First they came for...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
The 'Windrush Generation'...

Then it'll be the 'Europeans'!

And who then will be next?

After all the removal of residency rights was slipped into a recent immigration bill without any referral to parliamentary debate.

And the same applies to the 'Brexshit Bill' - which is in effect an 'enabling act' that bypasses our so called 'democracy'.

What a wonderful c untry brexshiteers are 'getting back'!
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Brexit attacks the sovereignty of Parliament

No change there.
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And the same applies to the 'Brexshit Bill' - which is in effect an 'enabling act' that bypasses our so called 'democracy'

Yes, you prefer the neoliberal ideology of the EU.
Yes, you prefer the neoliberal ideology of the EU.
At least the EU electoral system is based on PR...

As opposed to the elitist FPTP as practised in the UK!

Care to name any political party gaining a majority in this country since WWII ?

Thought not!

PS. You have no idea regarding what Neoliberalism is and where it came from - I suggest you look it up before you make an even bigger fool of yourself !
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If you dislike this country so much , move to somewhere with people with your same ideology, North Korea, Russia, Syria are a few choices you could make.
Ah, that old chestnut again - if you don't like it then leave!

Always brought out by the ignorant when they have no argument of their own ;)
Ah, the stock response from the eternally stumped for an original reply halfwit.
Aw bless...It still doesn't have a view of it's own!

You must have consulted Cambridge Analytica before coming up with that one? ;)

Or even this guy?

“The propaganda machine of the Nazis, for instance - you take away all the hideous horror and that kind of stuff, it was very clever, the way they managed to do what they did.

"In its pure marketing sense, you can see the logic of what they were saying, why they were saying it, and how they presented things, and the imagery."

So what was that point about North Korea, Russia, Syria?
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How many were wrongfully deported or denied services and benefits? I can't find any numbers, but get the feeling I could count them on my hands? Is that true? does anyone know?

From the uproar (which might be justified) I get the feeling 100s were being targeted. From the half dozen I read about - I really do hope they are compensated substantially.
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