For All Those Who Claim We are Leaving The EU, A Spanner In The Works

It's abundantly clear now: no free movement of people = no access to single market.
European Union leaders have warned that the UK must honour the principle of free movement of people if it wants to retain access to the single market after it leaves the bloc.
Hopefully the Brexiters will now drop their ridiculous claim that we will have access to the single market without the free movement of people.

The Remainers realised it before the referendum.
Tim Farron has just said that the LibDems manifesto will include another referendum in the next GE.
I suspect it will give LibDems an enormous boost.
Unfortunately, those concessions that Cameron achieved are no longer available. If the GE comes after our Brexit, membership could include being in the Schengen area.
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They explained it was the gross figure.

It must be in very small print. I can't see it. Please point it out.


Is that fat bloke standing in front of it? Is he a straw man?
Perhaps Gerry wasn't aware of this:
Video evidence has emerged of Nigel Farage saying EU cash should be spent on the National Health Service after Brexit.
The Ukip leader on Friday morning denied having endorsed a pledge to spend Britain’s EU contribution on the NHS just hours after the referendum results came in.

He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain that the pledge came from others in the Leave campaign and that it was their “mistake” to loudly earmark £350 million for the health service during the campaign.
However footage from BBC Question Time on 9 June – just weeks before the referendum shows the Ukip leader claiming the available cash was higher than £350 million and saying money should be spent on hospitals and GPs.
“Can we just get to the truth of this - £350 million a week is wrong, it’s higher than that,” he told the programme’s audience.

“FACT – absolute fact – from the official statistics cross-checked from the EU: we pay £55 million a day as a contribution. Some of that is the rebate which doesn’t go but our gross contribution is £55 million a day.”

“We should spend that money here, in our own country, on our own people,” he added.
“Do you know what I’d like to do with the £10 billion? I’d like that £10 billion to be spent helping the communities in Britain that [the] Government damaged so badly by opening up the doors to former communist countries. What people need is schools, hospitals, and GPs. That’s what they need.”
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Many very interesting comments at the end of that link. Here's one.

" look at the headline _ it clearly states NHS
however the 'evidence' supplied by the report does NOT mention NHS at all_ and the report team know this because they stop the Question Time footage to overdub yellow text that repeats Farage's words verbatim _ the closest he comes to saying NHS is with the word 'hospitals' BUT ONLY within the context of three public spending domains _
now let us return to the headline and consider the word 'pledge' _ returning to the footage 'evidence' we find that Farage has expressed nothing more than his personal wish for where these EU millions should be spent!"
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But you will of course agree that the big red bus, and the big red posters, clearly say 350 and NHS.
Those weren't the campaign arguments. You know it, they know it, we knew it, the referendum Authority knew it. Sadly, some easily led people believed them.

However, enough "not easily led" people were too idle, too complacent, or so cock-sure that the other "not easily led" people would ensure a Remain result, that Leave won.
Evan Davis (BBC Newsnight) has just made the remark that this £350 M per week is the equivalent of about 3 days of the new reduced UK economy.
That means that the UK economy is now worth about £700M less than before the referendum!
We can not now afford the £350M to send to the EU.......................each week!
We could afford it before the referendum!
Those weren't the campaign arguments. You know it, they know it, we knew it, the referendum Authority knew it. Sadly, some easily led people believed them.

However, enough "not easily led" people were too idle, too complacent, or so cock-sure that the other "not easily led" people would ensure a Remain result, that Leave won.
Perhaps these lazy remainers will now contact their MP and say, "I wish I'd voted!"
Or maybe the MPs are well aware of them, and their opinions.
The decision still remains in Parliament, lazy voters or not.
But you will of course agree that the big red bus, and the big red posters, clearly say 350 and NHS.
And therefore it's perfectly reasonable to equate both sentiments, statements and expressions as one and the same.

Can you provide proof of that please?
Provide proof of what? :rolleyes:
However full marks for your politeness. I do believe you're getting the hang of this debating lark. :)
If the sore-loser remaniacs want to try to deny democracy (ironically to desperately to try hang on to an undemocratic EU), let them block our leaving the European Union.

But in fairness, they should let the Brexit supporters overturn the original referendum result of 1975. Seems fair to me.

Lefty, namby-pamby remainiacs - grow some, FFS. It was all above-board and democratic. You don't like the result, but tough. Can you imagine the howls of protest and riots from the bleeding-heart remainers if they had won - and Brexit supporters had tried to deny them their right to remain?
If the sore-loser remaniacs want to try to deny democracy (ironically to desperately to try hang on to an undemocratic EU), let them block our leaving the European Union.

But in fairness, they should let the Brexit supporters overturn the original referendum result of 1975. Seems fair to me.

Lefty, namby-pamby remainiacs - grow some, FFS. It was all above-board and democratic. You don't like the result, but tough. Can you imagine the howls of protest and riots from the bleeding-heart remainers if they had won - and Brexit supporters had tried to deny them their right to remain?
If a campaign is fought on lies, misrepresentations, twisted data, soggy ideas, pie-in-the-sky ideas, it's reasonable to analyse the campaign propaganda and question the claims, and therefore the results!
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