Funny lady.

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Finally got round to listening to the deleted link. Well a couple of minutes before I gave up. Let's just leave it at that :confused: :rolleyes:
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Finally got round to listening to the deleted link. Well a couple of minutes before I gave up. Let's just leave it at that :confused: :rolleyes:
You were very keen so I obliged, blame yourself :D .

I thought we were supposed to hate all terroizd? ( I don't even like spelling that name );)
1. capitalist pig 90 up, 82 down
buy capitalist pig mugs, tshirts and magnetsThe upper class, usually with psychopathic personalities.
'That capitalist pig over there treats people like if he was God'.

2. capitalist pig 7 up, 4 down
buy capitalist pig mugs, tshirts and magnets A term for a rich business tycoon who only cares about making more money. He doesn't care if he puts smaller stores out of business, doesn't care about the poor or middle class, and doesn't care very much about the customer. His business will usually sell overpriced products made of cheap plastic, and the customer support will usually be outsourced if there's any customer support in the first place. Similar to the phrase "miser", or "cheapskate", but more applicable to people who not only horde money, but keep expanding their businesses even when they have more than enough money.
That capitalist pig took all the business. Soon we'll have to sell our shop and move away.
capitalist dog miser cheapskate tycoon filthyrich
These are the real scum who have no limits in their desire for more wealth.
I hate all terrorzd not just alkayde :confused: :idea: