General Election 4th July


A change of direction.

Not expecting miracles. But anything that changes the current situation will help.
We are currently governed by right wing populists with gaslighting, propaganda, lies

Getting some adults back in charge will be a start, I’m sick of this endless bullsh1t the lapdogs on here fall for
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Labour are promising no increases in income tax or NI.

They will need more tax, though, if they become the ruling party.

Are there a range of stealth taxes that could hit the wealthy? Apart from VAT on private schools. One suggestion I read was VAT on financial services. There must be others. Then there's the big one; scrapping reliefs on pension contributions.
Labour are promising no increases in income tax or NI.
not much else they can do

the Conservative client media (which is most of it) would go after Labour relentlessly if their manifesto had tax rises..........the old trope of "Labour get in and they put taxes up" trope never ends

Hunt is promising tax cuts...........despite Conservatives having put in place tax rises of £80b since they won in 2019
LOL 4th July - independence day. Quick google maybe it should have been 31st Jan

31 January 2020 at 11:00 pm GMT Brexit day
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So without tax and ni raises will they lower thresholds ?

Or make spending cuts ?

VAT on private schools might raise £1.7 billion, but push how many kids into the state sector - The Independent thinks it could be 25% - so £400 million less raised but how much of that extra to go to the state sector

Just a gimmick
The IMF reckon things are tight and also if there are any world style hiccups some very difficult decisions will need to be made. They are probably thinking over the next 5years or more. Who is in power - same problem for any.

The IMF have also been pushing sort the social aspects out.

"Farage decides not to stand​

Reform party president and former MEP Nigel Farage has said he will not be standing as a candidate in the election."

No surprise there.
Putting his own interests before his party's. He's making noises about standing in the future purely as a pr response to criticism from hard right allies including 30 pee lee. He was always a propagandist before a parliamentarian.
Labour are promising no increases in income tax or NI.

They will need more tax, though, if they become the ruling party.

Are there a range of stealth taxes that could hit the wealthy? Apart from VAT on private schools. One suggestion I read was VAT on financial services. There must be others. Then there's the big one; scrapping reliefs on pension contributions.
They are parroting torey policies to appeal to brexhit voters.
It's more likely that the tax benefits top limit of pensions will be reduced again.

Infinity is unreasonably high.

I think a million is more than generous.
It wasn't a Labour person, it was an academic
I would suggest he is a biased academic, Murphy was an informal economic advisor to Jeremy Corbyn.

The article you link contains some good points but Murphy does seem to spend his time pushing MMT….a favourite magic money tree for socialists
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