Get in Fruit and Veg prices to go up - another Brexit win

Once it's bedded in the costs will reduce over time
no it wont

non tariff barrier costs are permanent costs which add to the sales price

and the delays are permanent

its true that large corporations like Tesco can employ their own team of customs agents and build the IT systems to streamline it, that isnt possible for millions of businesses
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Are you saying the EU will be free from checking standards.
If my eyes don't decieve me it says produce will have to have certificates.
Not much point sending stuff if it hasn't got a certificate.

Why are making things up?

You really haven't a grasp on this at all.

Explain to me a good made in the EU gets to the UK and the process involved.

Now explain how a good made outside the EU goes via the EU to the UK gest processed.

Now tell
So what you want is standards but don't like the governments way of upping standards.
I'll leave it there Denso don't want to get involved with you, we know how it ends.

What standards is the Government upping?

It's doing nothing of the sort - poo in rivers?

What you fail to understand time and time again is that if we sell to the EU or abrooad we have to meet their standards.

Guess what the EU is still our largest trading bloc and will be because we are close to them and they share similar culture and demand.

Yet we have been sold the lie brexit means we can sell UK goods to the rest of world. We already could.

We can set our own standards - but all we will do is copy the EU standards over time because exporters will always be faced with do I meet the standards of the EU or UK - which is the bigger market?

So if our standards diverge and drop over time all that will happen is we will find it harder to export into the EU.
You are also missing the reducion in choice, some smaller producers will not bother exporting.

I did mention that, we need the EU a lot more than they need us

"From today, anyone exporting meat and dairy products to the UK will need to find a vet in the country of origin to fill out a seven-page form giving assurances that the product is disease-free. For plant products the same assurances will be needed but from a plant health inspector.".

Sure, or just sell their goods elsewhere with less hassle.
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I did mention that, we need the EU a lot more than they need us

It's like banging your head against a brickwall, they simply think that international trade is like shopping at your corner shop. We have such a bloody unininformed public and that is by design.

Our newspapers don't inform they inflame.

I wouldn't trust these buggers to look after a stack of papers, they are so deluded.
It's like banging your head against a brickwall, they simply think that international trade is like shopping at your corner shop. We have such a bloody unininformed public and that is by design.

Our newspapers don't inform they inflame.

I wouldn't trust these buggers to look after a stack of papers, they are so deluded.
The goalposts have changed from look at all the benefits, to well its not much more paperwork, cost or inconvenience.
It's already being touted that it will take around a day off the shelf life of products. To me that's automatically less fresh and a lower standard
now that the UK has left the Single Market the UK now faces the same trade barriers with the EU as it faces with the rest of the world
…which is where the majority of my fruit and veg comes from if you take the trouble to look at my post. If the EU wants to make it difficult, no problem, the rest of the world won’t.
…which is where the majority of my fruit and veg comes from if you take the trouble to look at my post. If the EU wants to make it difficult, no problem, the rest of the world won’t.
80% of our imported fruit and veg comes from the EU.

We source a lot of meet from Argentina now, do you think they send it unchecked or do you think it comes with a certificate.
Don't worry the conspiracy theory in me dosent think behind all this is some ulterior motives.
It makes good sense to have checks and balances in a globalized world where you could be introducing the plague to other countries. Where's all this lie with Frankenstein foods though which are a bit of an unknown quantity, I'm sure scientists have got it all in hand, lol.
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