After 18 months of using a RF Climapro Programmable Room Thermostat the Climapro started reporting " COMS ERRORS" at random intermittent times. As the RF units had a poor reputation I replaced the unit with a new hard wired Climapro only to find that after a short period of time the COMS ERRORS returning. When a coms error appears in the unit screen, it means that there is no control from this unit, and the boiler has defaulted back to its internal programme and continues to run until switched off by its own programme or manually from the boiler control panel. I contacted Glow worm technical only to be told that they had never heard of a Coms Error on a hard wired Climapro, only on a RF unit and they suggested that that was a radio interference problem. Has anybody got any ideas, as chasing an intermittent fault and replacing parts such as PCBs and wiring harnesses, can be very frustrating and expensive? Help please as this is driving me mad