Gordon Ramsay

23 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
I reckon any chef worth his/her salt (pun intended) should be able to prepare a decent meal from any ingredients, and if some people choose not to eat meat, no problem.
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Gordon Ramsay, for some reason, hates vegetarians and takes every opportunity to say so.
Why do you think that might be then?

Just wondering what your point is.

just cos he is a chef does not mean that he is not allowed to make derogatory comments about vegatarians
He also, at every opportunity, slags off every other tv chef.

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notb665 said:
Gordon Ramsay, for some reason, hates vegetarians and takes every opportunity to say so.

Do you think anyone actually cares.?
Big_Spark said:
Do you think anyone actually cares.?

Oh. I was only trying to be light hearted. I just thought he should be passionate about all food, not just food containing meat.

Never mind then.
We know your problem notb999, you're even sadder than the rest of us and you keep dreaming up these pointless things to talk about just for the sake of it. Surely you must have SOMETHING that is of genine interest to you?
If you must know, I am having a week off from projects! I have been going for 14 months, doing 5 hours a day plus weekends aswell as my full-time job. I have another 5 months I reckon before I am done.

Don't get me wrong, I like projects, keeps me busy. I get bored very quickly. The wife has gone to her mother's for the evening. Nothing on the telly until Match of The Day. The dogs are asleep.
The wife has gone to her mother's for the evening.

That's today, what about all the other evenings? This gets sadder by the post.
he (ramsey) was on the tv the other night showing three women how to cook a steak to different degrees of rareness through to well done

He got each of the women to poke the steak with their fingers to see how much bounce there was in the steak, now there wasn't a glove in sight just bare fingers, it's put me off going to any of his restaurants in the future, probably happens a lot elsewhere but i'd rather not know thanks yeugh!
kendor said:
he (ramsey) was on the tv the other night showing three women how to cook a steak to different degrees of rareness through to well done

He got each of the women to poke the steak with their fingers to see how much bounce there was in the steak, now there wasn't a glove in sight just bare fingers, it's put me off going to any of his restaurants in the future, probably happens a lot elsewhere but i'd rather not know thanks yeugh!

Kendor do you think your food is untouched by human hand, do you think your plate has been taken out of the dishwasher by someone wearing gloves? do you think your salad has been prepared by someone wearing gloves? do you think the garnish has been arranged on your plate by someone wearing gloves? What do you do at home, do you wear gloves to take your toast from the toaster? :D
Years ago ont telly I once saw him lick a tea-towel then wipe a bit of splashed sauce from the side of one of his plates with said tea-towel.
Having worked in a posh restaurant I learned a few things about chefs and restaurants:

1) Almost every chef is very bitchy about TV chefs. Many TV "chefs" are actually "cooks".
2) The hygiene levels in a catering environment are awful. Ever ordered a sandwich in a restaurant, or even a sandwich shop? Well, that cheese and pickle sandwich was cut with the same knife used to cut a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich 2 minutes earlier, then wiped with a cloth (sometimes not even that!)
3) To be a chef you can't be particularly squeemish about any foods you cook. If you are going to offer steak on the menu, then you should know what steak tastes like.
4) Many are complete to**ers.
5) Most (although not all) are very quick to lay the blame on the first person who comes to hand, even when it is something that couldn't be anyone else's fault but their own.

I suspect that Ramsay would hate people who refuse to eat any one particular thing. I don't eat seafood, so he would probably be angry that I would tell him to stick his tuna steak up his a**e.

However, I would be 100% behind him if he had said "I hate people who say they are vegetarian but eat fish and/or chicken". :LOL:
petewood said:
kendor said:
he (ramsey) was on the tv the other night showing three women how to cook a steak to different degrees of rareness through to well done

He got each of the women to poke the steak with their fingers to see how much bounce there was in the steak, now there wasn't a glove in sight just bare fingers, it's put me off going to any of his restaurants in the future, probably happens a lot elsewhere but i'd rather not know thanks yeugh!

Kendor do you think your food is untouched by human hand, do you think your plate has been taken out of the dishwasher by someone wearing gloves? do you think your salad has been prepared by someone wearing gloves? do you think the garnish has been arranged on your plate by someone wearing gloves? What do you do at home, do you wear gloves to take your toast from the toaster? :D
Ah but i make sure i wash my hands before i touch food, how many in restaurants do that especially after using the loo?

It's up to the individual where they decide to eat and i'm more likely to eat in a place where i can see basic hygiene is being taken seriously.
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