Hanging blinds in plasterboard

17 Dec 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

Have recently had our windows redone and so we now need to re-mount the venetian blinds.

The windows are in a cavity with a wood sill and plasterboard wall and ceiling (approx 10 cm deep) and brick on the outside. Flat was build around the early 1990's.

The brackets were previously drilled into timber window frames. Have replaced with UPVC so trying to avoid drilling into the frames. I have used nylon wall plugs so far to mount the brackets, which has worked successfully for most of the windows. However have one big section of 3 windows where I can only mount the brackets to the ceiling. I've tried drilling up and putting the nylon plug in but finding that hit a metal piece at around 2 cm. Guessing this is the lintel? Trying to figure out the best way to proceed and would appreciate any advice. Feels I have a few options:

1. If I drill out a bit I get past the lintel and find plaster board with the cavity where I can put in plugs as I have but am concerned with the plugs not being strong enough to support blinds from the ceiling and we lose usable window sill space because there is a 5 cm gap between the windows and the blinds.

2. I use a shorter plug, but concerned this is not enough support for the blinds especially from the ceiling.

3. Drill into the lintel? If this is the answer what type of drill, screws, and plugs/support do I need to use?

Any thoughts or advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated.

And in general are nylon plugs sufficient support for mounting blinds onto the walls or do they risk coming out over time as well? Was also considering spring toggles or redidrives but presume these may be overboard?

Have also attached pictures of the window cavity.

Thanks for the help.


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You'll find quite a few posts here about plasterboard fixings and drilling into lintels if you search....

Ideally, you'd find somewhere where there is timber behind the plasterboard and screw into that. Failing that, investigate stronger plasterboard fixings; there are many different types. Drilling into the steel is a last resort.
Thanks. investing in a stud finder, but through knocking and drilling a couple holes cannot find any studs in the ceiling bit. Have seen all the different types, just a bit unsure on which one as it seems there are different uses and a bit confused. From what I'm reading it seems the hollow wall anchor might be good? but seems it will be too long as I have only 2 cm before I hit the lintel?
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Stud finders are fairly crap in my experience.

For minimum space behind, the "gripit" style are probably best. Personally I've not used them, but there are a few people here who are enthusiastic. Search the forum for "gripit".

Of the fixings that I have used, I'd try and get one of these to fit: https://www.toolstation.com/shop/Sc...vity+Fixings/sd1930/Hollow+Wall+Anchor/p36548

There are various sizes; maybe the 32mm one would just fit for 12.5mm plasterboard and a 20mm gap. They work best with the special tool, but you can fit them without it if you're careful to prevent the body from turning and damaging the plasterboard while you tighten to open it.

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