Happy Brexit day

:rolleyes: :)

Brexiteer Tory MP says it is ‘monstrous’ that British businesses now have to fill in forms to trade with EU

Not to mention....

"New trade figures released by the Office for National Statistics on Wednesday which show UK exports to EU countries shrunk by a record £20bn in just 20 months.
UK to EU exports fell 12 per cent between January and December of last year, compared to the previous year – with supply chain disruption, new trade barriers and additional red tape caused by Brexit cited as the main reasons.
Sales to the EU dropped more sharply in 2021 than exports to any other country in the world, according to the data.
Non-EU exports were also down by 6 per cent – suggesting the rest of the world is not stepping in to fill the gap.
Brexit opportunities minister Jacob Rees-Mogg has however dismissed the figures and said evidence Brexit had hit trade was “few and far between”.

Of course brexiteers refuse to acknowledge the facts...

Smogg of course has his own agenda!
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Because they didn't spaff it up the wall on rich mates like thatcher did!

A lot went on funding unemployment as industry moved out / closed / became smaller in some cases along with it's supply chains. Miners redundancy terms appeared to be a lot lot better than what companies paid out.

Then comes money from selling all sorts. Some of them reduced government expenditure, one of the main goals. ;) Just looks better and in some cases we pay now rather than things being topped up from taxes. It could be that the NHS is still run like that. May mentioned a ring fenced health budget suggesting there isn't one. NI pays for all sorts.
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Flag shagging gammons prefer the slightly more contentious flag of St George. It means they can get a hard on riling their fellow countrymen.

Seriously? What ever made you this bitter? If a poster bitched at you with this much bile you'd probably go off on one of your "Boyo" name calling sessions. You paint such a pretty picture of your wonderful family/work life, success/holidays etc on this forum. I'm sure too, that a skilled grafter like you has all that going on and probably deserves even more. So why the constant anger? I've met a lot of people who'd love to have it as good as you but I've never known one them hop on the "Boyo" banter bus.
Two years today and the country has not fell apart must really pish off all the remoaners
Nope, that's coming later. Didn't you listen to "Snotty" Rees-Mogg? Apparently the benefits from Brexit will be here in, oh 45 to 50 years...:eek:
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Worth a read, came out today, 102 page report.

The benefits of Brexit - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Have you actually read that? It should be compulsory reading for every Brexiteer, with a written test on comprehensioin afterwards. For example, putting a crown stamp on a pint glass is listed as a benefit - despite the fact it was allowed under the EU - and in any case, how the hell is that going to benefit our economy?

And they say we can have freeports - but conveniently missed the fact that we had them in the past and that David Cameron had scrapped the 8 freeports in the UK in 2012 because they weren't generating tax revenues, and were actually reducing the tax take. As it happens the OECD also takes the view that the benefits, if any are highly dubious as freeports worldwide have become entangled with money laundering and criminality (especially the trafficking of fake goods), but what would they know abiout it?

Just giving you two examples of 102 pages of utter BS which won't benefit anyone here, other than a few criminal types

One beneifit we didn't get is the ability to change VAST rates on domestic fuel - oh, wait, we did get it - it's just that the Tories are refusing to remove VAT on fuel despite being able to. Meantime in France their energy bills have just been subsidised by a windfall tax on energy companies meaning that they are paying a lot less for energy than we are. The same applies in a lot of other EU member states. Good old Brexit Britain, eh?
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Smogg of course has his own agenda!

His company set up a subsidiary in RoI so they could continue to trade inside the EU and avoid the Brexit catastrophe.
And what about...

"A record 6.1 million people are now waiting for NHS care, new data shows, while the number of people spending more than 12 hours in A&E has hit a new high."

What do you think those millions are worried about?
The extra £350m a week the NHS was/is about to get as a Brexit benefit, maybe? Two years on and it hasn't yet materialised. Maybe in 50 years?
Worth a read, came out today, 102 page report.

The benefits of Brexit - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Ha ha, what a load of BS!

One of the key benefits claimed is reintroducing blue passports!

Which were never forbidden and we could have done at any time!

Here's an example of a blue EU passport

Makes sense to rejoin single market, not the EU

I thought it would be a case of rejoining the customs union , too - which TBH was something we should never have left.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to build a massive trade wall between your main export market and yourself. But we did.

Somehow I don't think trade with the Pacific Rim region, some 5000+ miles away, will be able replace trade with the largest and richest single market in the world, which is all of 22 miles from the shores of the UK.
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