I don't understand. EU: "We have a deal".

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Just looking on the news and it says we have a deal with the EU. Okay, it's got to be agreed by parliament but what I don't understand is that the resident remoaners (and you all know who you are) have been telling us for MONTHS that there will be no new deals. I think the main man on here said NOTHING would be sorted because the EU will not have a new president until Nov 1st.

Didn't those fools in the EU and our own parliament listen to the legal position from Notchy and co on here? Obviously not. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Most of the deal is the same as the one agreed by Theresa May last year - the main change is the Northern Ireland proposals.

We'll still have to follow EU rules
We'll still have to pay the £39 billion divorce bill.
And no EU citizens will be sent home - their rights to come and go remain.

Still celebrating? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Just looking on the news and it says we have a deal with the EU. Okay, it's got to be agreed by parliament but what I don't understand is that the resident remoaners (and you all know who you are) have been telling us for MONTHS that there will be no new deals. I think the main man on here said NOTHING would be sorted because the EU will not have a new president until Nov 1st.

Didn't those fools in the EU and our own parliament listen to the legal position from Notchy and co on here? Obviously not. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

If you consider it job done in negotiating a deal that is worse than Theresa then you get the award. The estimates are TM deal would shave about 4.5% off GDP, Bojo current deal about 6.3% and No Deal about 8.1%.

So thats 2.11trillion GDP so TM would make us about £95bn poorer, Bojo £132bn poorer, No Deal £170bn

Thats per year. So thats roughly x12, x16, x21 the cost of EU Membership.

Yet you crow thats this is best for the country.
Just looking on the news and it says we have a deal with the EU. Okay, it's got to be agreed by parliament but what I don't understand is that the resident remoaners (and you all know who you are) have been telling us for MONTHS that there will be no new deals. I think the main man on here said NOTHING would be sorted because the EU will not have a new president until Nov 1st.

Didn't those fools in the EU and our own parliament listen to the legal position from Notchy and co on here? Obviously not. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

We remoaners owe you an apology, we should admit that even we didn't see a WORSE deal coming!
Oh, right. You were all wrong about the fact that NO WAY were the EU going to enter into any more discussions about a deal, but now that they have, you ARE right that it's a bad deal? Have I got that right? :whistle:

Quick, all of you. Get up the House of commons by Saturday and let them know what you know. Save us, save us all! :ROFLMAO:
the resident remoaners (and you all know who you are) have been telling us for MONTHS that there will be no new deals.

I don't know who these people are. Show us what they said.
Oh, right. You were all wrong about the fact that NO WAY were the EU going to enter into any more discussions about a deal, but now that they have, you ARE right that it's a bad deal? Have I got that right? :whistle:

Quick, all of you. Get up the House of commons by Saturday and let them know what you know. Save us, save us all! :ROFLMAO:

So the only point you can make is that we agreed a worse deal for the economy and that is a success. You need help if as a 60 year old you think like a child.

You won the lottery for losers, but you are dragging the sane people down.

So tell me in return for the US Trade Deal - what will you give up?
Highest rated post on BBC today and completely agree, and the point ive been making time over here..

Whatever your political views or brexit vote, there is no doubt that successive governments (and parliament) have completely messing things up.

The big mistake was not setting up a cross party working group from day one. Brexit was never about party politics.

Personal and political gain ahead of national interest should be a crime.

“Light at the end of the tunnel? Let’s build more tunnel”
That's not a light at the end of the tunnel.
It's a train coming and we are in it's path
No you're missing the point there is no light because idiots keep adding more crap like the Benn act etc.

And quel surprise sir queer backdoor charmer Starmer says it's worse than May's deal and Corbyn says its aligned enough with europe. Whilst Farage says we are too close still. Idiotic.
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