I just don't believe Jamelia.

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I was mistaken for a black boy once. When I was about 18 years old and doing my apprenticeship, I was given a quick job to do for a customer while he waited - fit a brake switch. The very next day he came back - the switch had packed up as it was faulty. When he explained that it was only fitted the previous day, the manager asked him who fitted it. He pointed at me and said "That black kid over there". Easy mistake I suppose.

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Have you ever suffered from discrimination?
Ever had cigarette buts, chip wrappers, etc thrown at you because you're different?
Ever had cars driven at you, intentionally driving through puddles to splash you, because you're different?
Ever had children use pea shooters, water pistols at you because you're different?
Ever been called offensive names because you're different?
Ever been denied entry, service, job etc because you're different?
Ever been denied a seat on a bus/train because you're different?
Ever had someone get up and leave/move because you're different?
Ever had anyone rant at you because you're different, and for your difference.
Ever been assaulted simply because you're different?
Yes to all of those.
Racism is not the only entrenched form of hate in society.
There are many others, some of which are slowly being addressed, too belatedly though.
Unfortunately, governments think that law enforcement is the answer. It is only a partial answer.
Education and equality is key.

Singapore, apparently is one of the richest (per capita) nations. Coincidentally, it also has one of the lowest crime rates.
Have you ever suffered from discrimination?
Ever had cigarette buts, chip wrappers, etc thrown at you because you're different?
Ever had cars driven at you, intentionally driving through puddles to splash you, because you're different?
Ever had children use pea shooters, water pistols at you because you're different?
Ever been called offensive names because you're different?
Ever had anyone rant at you because you're different, and for your difference.
Yes..for being a cyclist..
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