I'm Absolutely Disgusted

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
by the fact that several hundred people have been turned away from polling stations tonight.

In Clegg's seat, people were turned away. In other stations, the opening hours were extended.

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im not happy i wasnt even on the register neither were a number of my friends. then it was too late too vote. anyone but conservative for me. the citizens of this country need more not less.
by the fact that several hundred people have been turned away from polling stations tonight.

In Clegg's seat, people were turned away. In other stations, the opening hours were extended.


Democracy - what democracy? This country has gone to the dogs and it's disgusting the way that people have been treated
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im not happy i wasnt even on the register neither were a number of my friends. then it was too late too vote. anyone but conservative for me. the citizens of this country need more not less.

And where will the money come from? Just keep borrowing and spending ourselves into oblivion under labour or worse the liberals?

Those of us in the private sector who work hard have no fear of a Tory government!
I trust the Tories to make those cuts over any of the other parties.
The freeloaders have plenty to fear when the hatchet has to fall just like those rioting in greece and killing thier fellow countrymen just because of their greed!
The only saving grace this country has at the moment is we still have the £
That's the only credit I can give brown. His paymaster bliar wanted us head first into the euro currency and would have been a disaster.
It now seems some polling stations ran out of voting slips...

UK = banana state!
either way whoever would have been running the country over the course of the economic downturn im not sure how things would have been any different.

we as a country would still have the same amount of money we would have had in the first place, and with conservative cutting nhs spending which every tax payer has a right too recieve, if this country does start killing eachother atleast their health care system will be intact.
by the fact that several hundred people have been turned away from polling stations tonight.

In Clegg's seat, people were turned away. In other stations, the opening hours were extended.


By the same token, you wouldn't turn up at your local a few minutes before last orders and expect a drink would you?
What about the discrepancies with the postal vote in certain London Boroughs? Yep, just shows how corrupt British Politics have become
im not happy i wasnt even on the register neither were a number of my friends. then it was too late too vote.

Oh, golly gosh... Have you been out of the country for a long time or hibernating? Did you not know there was going to be an election? Did you forget to register or was the form too difficult to fill in?
in melbourne Australia visiting friends. got back last week unfortunately hadnt got round to registering for a vote as i was expecting to recieve a poll card until it was too late. never the less got back and started doing a bit of work to my mums end town house house she bought over christmas, and decided to start demolishing her kitchen wall to extend it for her... and been sorting out her garden. only signed on here the other day to get some advice on the job, but never the less im liking the banter. reminds me of beeing on a few building sites with the lads hahah. lib dem labour or ukip would have had my vote. each to their own.
Off topic, but been to Perth and Sydney. Prefer Perth anyday, but Melbourne on wish list.
Sorry for grabbing thread
in melbourne Australia visiting friends. got back last week unfortunately hadnt got round to registering for a vote as i was expecting to recieve a poll card until it was too late. never the less got back and started doing a bit of work to my mums end town house house she bought over christmas, and decided to start demolishing her kitchen wall to extend it for her... and been sorting out her garden. only signed on here the other day to get some advice on the job, but never the less im liking the banter. reminds me of beeing on a few building sites with the lads hahah. lib dem labour or ukip would have had my vote. each to their own.

... :rolleyes:
Any of three parties which have completely different stances on almost everything.

I see you have a real defined idea of what you wanted to vote for...idiot.
schiz, why are you calling lukemate an idiot?

what makes you so special?

yourself, your alter ego shifty, and nuke spend a lot of your time insulting others

Why is that?
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