Indy Ref 2

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2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Nichola Sturgeon didn't quite get the hoped for majority but as the Scottish Greens also stood on an independence platform, they will, as a majority and representing the will of the people call for another 'once in a lifetime' referendum on independence.

As a believer in democracy I feel that if that's what they want they should be allowed the opportunity. I think it would have little impact on England but would be devastating for Scotland. I also think that since the last referendum a lot has changed as a result of covid and the appetite for going it alone would be weaker than last time.
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The vote in Scotland could have Been better

such as the SNP getting an out right majority but hey ho it’s worked out reasonably well for both Scotland and England

they should get an independance vote

and if all go’s well they will gain there independence which will def be good for England
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Boris should start a campaign to inform the Scottish people on the ramifications of independence to nip it in the bud now rather than let it fester for 2yrs or so.
The SNP will continue to talk down Boris' Westminster based government and the Scots will just harden their position if Boris continues to say No, No, No.
Some honest discussion could include:
1. Explain the current Barnet formula and how the Scots benefit more from the tax revenues of their union peers. How will they manage without it?
2. SNP are anti-nuclear. Explain how the UK nuclear deterrent submarine force will be forced to relocate south of the border and the 1000s of jobs and support services with it.
3. How will the Scots manage their large debt? In 2020 figures quoted were around £100bn (before Covid)!!
4. Will the EU welcome an independent Scotland with open arms? Or set autocratic terms and conditions of membership? Will Scotland be a giver of taker of EU funds?
5. Having broke away from the Westminster leash, will the EU leash be any better?
That's just a start. Please add to the list.
No it won't, Scotland is not eligible for E.U. membership.

well that’s there problem

after independance they will have to come up to snuff to get into the EU

This indrpendsnce question is not going away the SNPs sole purpose

Brexit has done there independance campaign a favour

personally I am of the opinion that
England should have a referendum about voting Scotland out of the union

I would vote them out

but I doubt I would be in the majority
We had a (once in a generation vote) in 2014. We voted to remain as part of the union.

Do you think it is Buffoon's objective to rile up the voters so that more of them go pro-Indy?

or is that just an unintended consequence?
Boris should start a campaign to inform the Scottish people on the ramifications of independence

he could write it on the side of a bus. That works, doesn't it?

"don't resign, you're better off in"

one message Buffoon is not competent to deliver.
Do you think it is Buffoon's objective to rile up the voters so that more of them go pro-Indy?

or is that just an unintended consequence?

good point

buffoon really wants Scotland out the union :idea:

crafty but smart :idea:
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