Knife attack in Nice

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31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
So here we are again, another attack on completely innocent people. Strange though we don't seem to globally campaign and outrage to it like other movements as of late. I mean this woman didn't 'just' have a knee to her neck she was decapitated. How many have been killed recently by similar acts of terrorism. Where will it end?
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One is instiutionalised police brutality resulting in daily deaths. This terror is by a holes whose ideology needs to be eradicated.
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17innocent people minding their own business not in scope.
This row between France and Turkey over cartoons was always going to cause bloodshed. The latest cartoons have stirred it all up again I`m afraid.
Perhaps if the victims were known criminals, people would protest.

George Floyd was the straw that broke the camels back.

You think it would have been better for optics if the person being killed by Police was 26 year old accontant Botham jean who was killed by a Police Officer who broke into his appartment.

RWR are a deplorable bunch.
George Floyd was the straw that broke the camels back.

You think it would have been better for optics if the person being killed by Police was 26 year old accontant Botham jean who was killed by a Police Officer who broke into his appartment.

RWR are a deplorable bunch.
You and your RWR bs you discriminate worse than any racist that's the irony here.
Did you watch the whole George Floyd video did you hear him say 'can't breath' in the back of the car? Do you know the symptoms of certain drugs in your system? (off topic again)
Ihavenojob thinks it's funny a policeman kneed George Floyd till he died.

So funny he makes sarcastic quips about it.

What a disgusting human.
Immature playground talk grow up Notch at your age buddy you really should know better.
This row between France and Turkey over cartoons was always going to cause bloodshed. The latest cartoons have stirred it all up again I`m afraid.
It shouldn't.
There's no law against drawing Mohammed. There certainly isn't a law to say France and the people of France cannot do what it likes in it's own country.
It's not like someone from France went over to an Islamic country and scrawled some cartoons depicting god on the face of a mosque or two..

The world has gone mad. Hurt feelings is just that, hurt feelings. Murder however...To behead innocent people because of a drawing is utterly evil. Every single Islamic leader over the world should publicly and very very loudly condemn these actions, over and over again until the handful of offended nutters get it though their thick skulls that it's not their place to be judge, jury and executioner.
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