Lucy Letby found guilty.

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I vaguely remember something about that case. Presumably they were sent down for a good stretch, so you could say she had the last laugh.

May be

The point I was attempting to make was the abuse ????) That the victims mother received ???
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A good while back just down the road from our old office a bloke killed and cut up a 32 year old lady

Put her in bin bags and threw her in a pond on the same estate

She worked in a well known burger out let ( locally)

He was released after 15 / 16 years back into the same area (?)

Apparently she spurned his advances hence why he killed her
I picked-up on this story way back in covid times when I began to subscribe to Lancet and ONS data. The "angels" were fighting the fact that rumours were going around that a fellow angel seemed to have tremendous bad luck when it came to infant mortality and the hospital was starting to skew the data for the entire trust. Covid implications were also a feed on the subject as a possible cause, suggesting that it was being carried in to the unit on clothing. The current agreed payment from NHS to patients for the 2023/2024 financial year is £3.2 BILLION...AGREED DAMAGES.
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Much of the evidence could have been circumstantial.

I didn't gather it all, but wasn't the criminal psychiatrist speaking speaking up possible in her defense, about the private notes she had made at home - suggesting they might have been the work of an innocent party, a result of all the accusations?
Wouldn't they merely be able to make a fuss and thus be contempt of court, assuming they were being disruptive would the standard response not be to - remove them from court?
Maybe some would do that, but so what? I suppose the ushers could put a spit hood on him to quieten him down, spitting might be one of his ways of making a fuss. No doubt the victim's relatives would be glad to see him humiliated like that as the sentence is read out.
all of the court security and holding staff are from private companies

force (?) used on prisoners dragging them kicking and screaming into a court could well mean they are sued for assault

all the scheister lawyers {?) and human rights fruit cakes (?) would be all over it ????????

the humans rights of child murderers , torturers ect must be respected at all costs
If you refuse to stand for your sentence, the judge has the power to add additional time up to 2 years for the refusal. That's fine for those who are looking at 10 years or so, but Letby is looking at life / whole life, so an extra 2 years makes no difference.

My guess is:
A) she doesn't believe she is guilty and is in denial.
B) she is a psychopath and has justified it all in her head.
If you refuse to stand for your sentence, the judge has the power to add additional time up to 2 years for the refusal. That's fine for those who are looking at 10 years or so, but Letby is looking at life / whole life, so an extra 2 years makes no difference.

My guess is:
A) she doesn't believe she is guilty and is in denial.
B) she is a psychopath and has justified it all in her head.
Isn't A) and B) the same? ;)
Crystal ball might be concerned about his or her human rights ?
If violence was used ??
I bet you'd love a trial to go to ratshìt, and give the defence solicitors any old excuse to cost the state more expense.
Probably why you are such a big fan of the death penalty. :rolleyes:
I bet you'd love a trial to go to ratshìt, and give the defence solicitors any old excuse to cost the state more expense.
Probably why you are such a big fan of the death penalty. :rolleyes:

as for your post dunno what you are on about , have you been drinking ? or is the medication not kicked in ?? or may be the medicatiion has kicked in ??

David amiss noseall ;);)
indeed and given the WLT handed down, made no difference to her sentence.

Would you put yourself through that?
The problem is people with that mindset don't think they will caught...

However, they overlook one thing...

If they aren't rich/influential enough eventually they'll be brought to book!
all of the court security and holding staff are from private companies

force (?) used on prisoners dragging them kicking and screaming into a court could well mean they are sued for assault

all the scheister lawyers {?) and human rights fruit cakes (?) would be all over it ????????

the humans rights of child murderers , torturers ect must be respected at all costs
Maybe, but on the news just now Rishi Sunak was quoted as saying the law will be changed to enable prisoners to to be compelled to attend for sentencing. We'll see whether it happens, but not everybody thinks it's impossible.
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