Lucy Letby found guilty.

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Well the way I see if some one minding there own bussiness walking down the street can tazored

Than it’s good enough for her

Basically get yer **se in court
Any refusal than tazor her ???

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Because evil will always exist. It is like forum rules which are designed to keep trolls away. Sadly, nothing is ever foolproof. The potty mouths will always find a way.
Your own mirror is a good place to start looking for such a character ;)

In the meantime it appears that further changes are being demanded by those who have been ignored, as opposed to those who accept evil exists and cannot be countered, but have an abundance of carpets to sweep it under whatever guise it chooses to adopt!

Linky Linky

"A lead consultant who first raised suspicions about serial killer Lucy Letby in October 2015 has said it is “common” for those who voice concerns in the NHS to be seen as a “problem”.

Dr Stephen Brearey has called for hospital managers to be held accountable in the same way as doctors and nurses, after Letby was allowed to continue in her role until June 2016 despite the concerns of clinicians."
There seems to be some anecdotal evidence to suggest that plod were pretty horrified that they had been involved so late.
Well the way I see if some one minding there own bussiness walking down the street can tazored

Than it’s good enough for her

Basically get yer **se in court
Any refusal than tazor her ???

You cannot be tasered for walking down the street minding your own business..and if you are that's called assault causing bodily harm..which is a crime. So your great idea is for those that have sworn to uphold the law deal out non judicial punishment...and you cant see an issue with that ?

Why give her any more attention ?
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There seems to be some anecdotal evidence to suggest that plod were pretty horrified that they had been involved so late.

"Hospital bosses who failed to act on concerns about the killer nurse Lucy Letby should be investigated by police for corporate manslaughter, says the prosecution’s key medical expert.

Speaking to the Observer, Dr Dewi Evans, whose evidence was central to the case against Letby, said executives were “grossly negligent” for not acting on fears about the nurse as she murdered seven babies and attempted to kill another six.

The Observer can also reveal that managers blamed other NHS services for many of the unexplained deaths and declared in a two-page review in May 2016 that there was “no evidence whatsoever against [Letby] other than coincidence"

Some people of course claim that measures recommended after the shipman inquiry were implemented...

It doesn't seem to have been the case does it...

Different organisations still blaming others...

But of course this time 'lessons will be learned' :LOL:
You cannot be tasered for walking down the street minding your own business..and if you are that's called assault causing bodily harm..which is a crime. So your great idea is for those that have sworn to uphold the law deal out non judicial punishment...and you cant see an issue with that ?

Why give her any more attention ?

We’ll be that as it may some blind bloke or deaf bloke got tasered

And the point is

Letby should have been politely asked to attend sentencing

Give her an hour to think about it

There after taser her

I don’t have an issue with it

There was fly on the wall doc about some dangerous fruit cakes in broadmoor one of em
Refused to go back to his room from the exercise yard / garden

It took 8 people and over an hour to get back into his room

What a load of ball cocks

If they bothered to talk to me I could have got him back into his room with two people unless he was an over weight fat f***

Taser him and than drag him back to his room

Look at the finacial savings I could make :cool:
It would be tricky to prosecute for corporate / gross negligence manslaughter. Letby has already been found guilty and I'm not sure the law goes far enough to enable a prosecution where there has been criminality.
Beyond belief that several paediatricians are forced to apologise to lettby by some career managers who know sod all about medical care.

Beyond belief that several paediatricians are forced to apologise to lettby by some career managers who know sod all about medical care.
The shipman inquiry recommended that "fundamental changes be implemented in the way that doctors are overseen"

And yet a later investigation found that "even if the monitoring of patients' deaths was introduced as the inquiry suggested, it would still take 30 deaths to detect a murderous trend"

And yet some people erroneously think that 'lessons will be learned', and blindly believe that recommendations have been enacted because they don't question the facts!
The shipman inquiry recommended that "fundamental changes be implemented in the way that doctors are overseen"

And yet a later investigation found that "even if the monitoring of patients' deaths was introduced as the inquiry suggested, it would still take 30 deaths to detect a murderous trend"

And yet some people erroneously think that 'lessons will be learned', and blindly believe that recommendations have been enacted because they don't question the facts!
Money supersedes lives - always. It's the Tory dream.
All these enquiries cost thousands / millions

Run by career pencil pushers and paper shufflers investigating other institution employed paper shufflers and pencil pushers

Than there are all the scheister lawyers with there snouts in the trough of any enquiry

And than to top
It all off nowt happens apart from publishing reams of paper work

Governments like enquiries to drag on for years it sort of kicks the issue into the long grass

Jeez us wept
And yet a later investigation found that "even if the monitoring of patients' deaths was introduced as the inquiry suggested, it would still take 30 deaths to detect a murderous trend"
Wrong again. Keep going, the law of averages suggests you'll get something right eventually.
I see there is a campaign to raise money on line for an appeal against the conviction

Was there some type of smoking gun evidence in this conviction ???

Recall a woman some while back a lady convicted of murdering her or another’s child by force feeding the child salt ??

Turned out to be ball cocks and she was freed and her conviction over turned ???
Its the publicity seeking usa social media wannabees who don't have a clue about the case.

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