Muslims Outraged

Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.

You mean people who openly discrimated against a customer on the basis of sexuality? Could they refuse to bake a cake for Muslims, or Christians, or Germans?

Yes, of course, if it conflicted with their own religious beliefs.
After all, isn't the RoP encouraged to demand all sorts of things on the grounds of their religious beliefs? We have a religious hierarchy in this country and Christianity comes right at the bottom.

This country is certainly not rotten to the core, it is a very good country. But there is some extreme nonsense. For decades we had open discrimination against blacks for example. Quite wrong. Today things are much better, less bigoted. Do you really want to live in a country where someone can be barred from a hotel because they are black? Or comedians making jokes about disabled people? Unfortunately there are some extreme left wing nutters. And many have power. Harriet Harperson is vile. Some of these lefties are as bigoted as the bigots they claim to oppose. And sadly they bully people. Hence the inability for years of the media to discuss immigration without the race card being played. Disgusting. That was part of the problem with the Northern Pakistani paedophile gangs. Too many left wing bullies attacking anyone who criticised any ethnic minority person. That is why extremist Muslims were allowed to openly preach hate. Imagine what would happen if the same was allowed for so-called whites. You'd have criminality increasing, Muslims saying "Those damned whites have no respect, bumch of criminals".

I agree completely with this. The Labour and Liberal parties are complicit in causing all the racial discontent that still exists in this country by their favouring of some 'oppressed' sections of society. In fact, they are probably as much to blame as anyone for the rise of such groups as the National Front.

What worries me is not Muslims, the vast majority are harmless, despite their vilification by many, it's the EU, a bunch of patronising bureacrats creating a super state, open to manipulation by big business. It is big business that wants free migration of labour, and free trade. It is anti democratic. Does anyone even know who their Euro MP is?

Of course. The EU and the expansion of its powers worries me too, that and the fact that we keep paying billions to them on a regular basis for no apparent gain.
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Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.

You mean people who openly discrimated against a customer on the basis of sexuality? Could they refuse to bake a cake for Muslims, or Christians, or Germans?

And if a muslim baker had refused the same people. Can you guarantee that it would have been handled in the same way?

Muslims refusing to bake a cake for a gay customer would be treated in the same way.

You're entitled to think what you want, but any country that tries to ignore hundreds of crimes because they were committed by a certain section of the population against another section is storing up big problems for the future. Once again, can you guarantee that if it was caucasian men grooming underage Asian girls (but then why would they?) the situation would have been ignored in the same way? I will restate that a country that lets down it's own, vulnerable young people for political expediency is rotten with a capital 'R'. You seem to be forgetting the victims in all of this.

I agree, so called whites would have been investigated and charged. It is disgraceful, and due not to the law, but to a fear of being charged with racism. I have heard in Luton that coppers would turn a blind eye to misdemeanours by Angle Asians because it was not worth the hassle. Vile people such as Harriet Harman have created a culture of fear which needs to be, or is being, broken.
The Labour and Liberal parties are complicit in causing all the racial discontent that still exists in this country by their favouring of some 'oppressed' sections of society. In fact, they are probably as much to blame as anyone for the rise of such groups as the National Front.

Quite right. The rise of UKIP - not a racist party - was due to some issues being ignored. And now the main parties only call UKIP racist. :rolleyes:
I have always said that. If everyone was allowed to just get on with their lives without interference from the lefty fools, there would be far less racial problems in this country. Things like: when they decided there were not enough black police officers in the force, well what about Chinese officers or German or Irish? They based their decisions on someone's skin colour which is racist in itself.

I used to love listening to Radio 4 as it represented the British way of life, whereas now they constantly bang on about what it's like to be a muslim. Again, no mention of Hindus or Buddhists. That combined with their cringeworthy comedy programmes means that I hardly listen to it these days as they no longer represent my interests. BBC medlling again.
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R4 comedies are rather extreme left wing, with rants by Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steel, Marcus Brigstocke and others. "The Tories are b@stards", and variants thereof, is assured to get a laff. I can't see that Labour or Libs are any better, or worse in most respects. Inequality increased under Labour. House prices grew massively under Labour, and house building was low. I wish they would not use comedy to push a political agenda in a crass manner.
I have always said that. If everyone was allowed to just get on with their lives without interference from the lefty fools, there would be far less racial problems in this country. Things like: when they decided there were not enough black police officers in the force, well what about Chinese officers or German or Irish? They based their decisions on someone's skin colour which is racist in itself.
I'm sure we've all come across these 'lefty fools'. I certainly have, including a white woman (a lecturer at a university where I studied) with a 'chip on the shoulder by proxy' by virtue of the fact she was married to a black man. She was a particularly ugly specimen too, although in fairness I suppose she couldn't help that.
I'd like to think that at some time in the future this left-wing nonsense will have been superseded and historians will look back at the perpetrators with disdain. Unfortunately though, I'm sure it will take some time as things move very slowly in this country and much damage will continue to be done.
Don't be so sure. A few years back I tried to take some photographs in public of a gang of children, two boys and a girl, ~15 years old, who had been harassing me for over a year, by banging on the front door and windows, putting maggots through the door (which hatched into flies) and so on. The police would not act without knowing who they were. Anyway, a woman was passing, so I asked if she knew the children. She explained that she was a teacher, and that what I was doing was disgraceful as they were only children. I explained, and she in effect gave them the go ahead to assault me. My watch, a present from my late mother, was destroyed, and I had a sore neck for a week. I did get a photo of the car of the brother of one of them so the police were able to act. But that teacher witnessed me being assaulted, and actively encouraged it. B@stard. So don't be so sure. When I was at school, 35 years ago, I recall a teacher seeing me making a mahogany table for my mother, and abused me, with choice phrases such as "f-cking middle class b@stard". Unfortunately our schools are full of ratehr nasty lefties, not all teachers, perhaps not most, but quite a few, and then the more moderate ones are mostly lefties. Do you remember 'Tory teacher'? She gave sspeech at a Tory conference, and subsequently had to leave state school teaching because of harassment and bullying.

It seems to me that racist bullying is (quite rightly) forbidden. Political bullying by lefties is actively allowed. Just listen to R4 comedies. (n)
Anyway, a woman was passing, so I asked if she knew the children. She explained that she was a teacher, and that what I was doing was disgraceful as they were only children. I explained, and she in effect gave them the go ahead to assault me.
Unfortunately our schools are full of rather nasty lefties, not all teachers, perhaps not most, but quite a few, and then the more moderate ones are mostly lefties.
Yes, I have first hand knowledge in this area and I can confirm that teaching is one profession to which lefty-liberals tend to gravitate these days.

In contrast when I was at school, especially at a state grammar school (which, sadly, we lost a long time ago due to lefty-liberal pressure), I remember the teachers were far from being left-wing and yet most managed to teach effectively whilst offering a professional yet caring attitude.

Perhaps this has some responsibility for our current falling educational standards.
Yeah, free country. Tell that to people like the God-bothering bakers who got crucified for refusing to bake a cake. This country is rotten to the core.

another fine example,

They spoke the uncomfortable truth - QUOTE - "But when minorities become majorities, things change... in the event of Islamic dominance in Britain our friendly Muslim shopkeepers will have little option but to march behind the radicals."

As we know, anyone who speaks the truth must be closed down without a right to reply or debate. They paid the price.
I wonder what's (really) going on.
I'm sure I don't know.
Are the powers that be so afraid of accusations of racism that they are prepared to remove our tradition of free speech and freedom of the press?
I was hoping that the now commonplace 'playing of the race card' would devalue its impact but, no, it appears that it remains a powerful weapon in the hands of the apologists.
I wonder what's (really) going on.
I'm sure I don't know.
Are the powers that be so afraid of accusations of racism that they are prepared to remove our tradition of free speech and freedom of the press?
I was hoping that the now commonplace 'playing of the race card' would devalue its impact but, no, it appears that it remains a powerful weapon in the hands of the apologists.

The more the ROP grow in numbers and strength, the more the wheels will come off of the the libertards little multiculti experiment - as most on here can predict. Our free speech, who past generations have died to protect, will be sacrificed to pretend that bringing backwards, warring peoples into a once civilised country brings nothing but benefits for all.
I cannot imagine that the Monarchy, Aristocracy or other powers-that-be welcome such a situation any more than you, JBR and Whitespirit.

What if one of the Royal Family wanted to go out, or more, with a muslim? Oh wait a minute...
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