New years resolutions

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Anybody got any?

Mine are:

1. Buy my first house and move into it.
2. Succeed at work.
3. S**g loads of fit women.

Well, ok, 3 is more of a wish. 1 & 2 are more realistic. Though if 2 doesnt happen, 1 cant. :LOL:
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Stop smoking!
Lose a couple of stone.
Make peace with Blasphemous.
Stop doing stupid things whilst drunk. They seem to have a habit of coming back to haunt you, just when you thought it was all forgotten about :evil:
Should I get a sudden urge to go out and do some strenuous exercise, my resolution is to have a lay down until the urge goes away. :LOL:
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If you find the need to be giving up something then you are living the wrong life.
Going to stick to my last yrs resolution and continue to stop paying into my black ole of a private pension scheme.
my new years resolution is not to make a resolution this year- oops :oops:
not done any new years resolutions as i can never seen to keep them but this year im gonna make 3

1. get my busisness up and running and be able to get my brother to come and work for me

2. my dad always wanted a bentley car so will be working towards that for him

3 finally get to my own place,sick of renting but couldnt buy my own place as got made redundan but its all good now

not in that order tho
Stop smoking!
Lose a couple of stone.
Make peace with Blasphemous.
Hey Dex, no need for that, we is still mates. :D

I'm not too well at the mo (again), so a little more tetchy. Sorry I was a bit short with ya.

Anyway, resolutions....

1. Get well and get fit.

That'll do me.
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