Nicola Bulley

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I don't know if there is good evidence to say the conditions were similar. I accept the family of the lost motorcycle pillion think they were, but time of day, recent rain fall and obviously moon cycle would probably be very different. If the river is flooded then the weir could be compromised.

We also have the fact that the river will have changed in 45 years.
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Nicola Bulley’s body ‘may have been swept out to sea'​

Nicola Bulley’s body may have been swept out to sea by now, the head of the specialist rescue team searching for her has said.
Peter Faulding told The Times that he believed Ms Bulley’s body could have reached the sea by now if she had fallen into the River Wyre, given the distance and the meandering course of the river.
Superintendent Sally Riley also told reporters: “The amount of technology that we have put into the river – clearly as time goes on, the open sea becomes much more of a possibility.”
Police would continue to search the river until they received guidance from national bodies to do otherwise, Supt Riley added.
This does contradict what he earlier said - that being we tend to find them where they drown.
This does contradict what he earlier said - that being we tend to find them where they drown.

I can imagine how easily a body, could be washed over a weir, so I suspect this might well be what has happened.

I wonder why it might not have been practical to arrange a course net downstream, across the river, soon after she went missing, to avoid this possibility?
If someone falls into a river that is in flow, no matter how fast or slow, then the protocol is to start a search in the immediate area and a search further down to work upwards. The downstream search must start at a place beyond the calculated limit of where an object would expect to be during the time gap.
So, basically, if the flow is 2 miles an hour and it is 2 hours since they went in, then you start the downstream search AT LEAST 4 miles down but preferably add another length of the speed for safety. i.e. the 4 mile minimum would become 6 mile preference starting point. (Bear in mind, the flow may not be constant. It can speed up over weirs and slow down on broad stretches).The search must be done methodically, preferably by trained searchers, but if by the general public they should appoint a co-ordinator who will discuss the best methods and who should use what methods. The last thing you need is people running willy-nilly everywhere frantically trying to be the one who finds something. Too many things can be missed if the search is haphazard.
I can't work out if there's method in their (the police) madness or a degree of incompetency? For example I think it was yesterday they released a statement saying it's possible Nicola might have left the area by exiting where there is no cctv. Surely yesterday can't be the first time they've considered this? Maybe it's the reporting by the media that's making the public think things are a bit haphazard? And yes, the police vs private diver thing was a bit weird. The private diver spoke yesterday or day before and essentially said 'if she fell in the water here she'd definitely still be in the area.' Is he backtracking on that now? Regardless, unless it's all part of a plan behind the scenes, the approach to this by the authorities does seem questionable on some aspects. Having said all that no one, including the authorities, has a crystal ball as to what happened.

I don't say this as a joke, ironically the only one who knows is the dog.
The media do seem to be trying to position plod as incompetent. And now the SARs team are being accused of having a PR agenda. Well forgive the guy for wanting a bit of PR on the back of driving from dorking to the north of England in February and jumping in a muddy river FOC to help the family.
If you think the discusson is whacky here, have a look at Mumsnet. I happened on a thread there which goes on and on with all the Miss Marples with their bonkers theories on what happened.
A key camera not working - must be a conspiracy....

Strikes me that at the moment none of them look very likely.
There is nothing worse than a bunch of single mums and bitter divorcees having a wasp eating competition.

I wouldn't use it as dating site JP, they are all over 20 stone and don't get out much.
There is nothing worse than a bunch of single mums and bitter divorcees having a wasp eating competition.

I wouldn't use it as dating site JP, they are all over 20 stone and don't get out much.
Maybe he's a 'feeder' and that is exactly what he's looking for ;)
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