Nicola Bulley

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So Faulding says "not in the river" and police say "we think she fell in the river". Not quite sure what error you are correcting?
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So Faulding says "not in the river" and police say "we think she fell in the river". Not quite sure what error you are correcting?
He added: "If Nicola was in that river I would have found her - I guarantee you that - and she's not in that section of the river."
Are you aware how far his team searched?
“Our involvement is we’ve searched it extremely thoroughly and we’ve ruled out, especially, the area where Nicola supposedly went in all the way down to the first weir and then onward down the river quite a distance.

“And then that’s my area cleared then, and we went upstream as well for about a mile upstream just in case, so it’s been extremely thorough.

“My team have worked long hours on this to get this done and we have done it free of charge to help this family.”
Are you aware how far his team searched?
Yes are you?
Peter Faulding, from Specialist Group International, said his team were pulling out as the mother-of-two was "categorically not" in the area of river where police believe she fell in.
Ms Bulley, 45, was last seen walking her dog by the river in St Michael's on Wyre in Lancashire 12 days ago.
The search has now been extended as far as Knott End and Morecambe Bay.
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In part at least the specialist divers didn't search further AIUI because the police wanted to get in their first as the statutory investigators.

She wasn't wearing a life jacket, if she drowned in the river, she would have done so within about 15 minutes (probably faster). The area she is supposed to have fallen in had hardly any flow. Once a person loses buoyancy (breathing out), they will typically sink to the bottom within a few seconds. They will stay there until decomposition starts and gasses make the body buoyant again. Its rare for a person to be more than 100m from the location they drowned even in stronger tides.

If the flow was 6kts (it wasn't) she would have been within 1 mile down stream. I guess it's possible for the river bed to have some obstructions that allow easier movement in one direction over the other. But this would be unusual.


It is therefore very hard to believe that given the evidence from the private search team, the police's working hypothesis is that she fell in the river near where her phone was found, is correct. Someone is wrong.
I had a think about this the other day.

What if, for whatever reason, she walked upstream and then somehow ended up in the water?

I wonder if anyone has searched further upstream?
Has no one contacted the police to tell them to read this forum as all the experts are on here ?
She wasn't wearing a life jacket, if she drowned in the river, she would have done so within about 15 minutes (probably faster). The area she is supposed to have fallen in had hardly any flow. Once a person loses buoyancy (breathing out), they will typically sink to the bottom within a few seconds. They will stay there until decomposition starts and gasses make the body buoyant again. Its rare for a person to be more than 100m from the location they drowned even in stronger tides.

If the flow was 6kts (it wasn't) she would have been within 1 mile down stream. I guess it's possible for the river bed to have some obstructions that allow easier movement in one direction over the other. But this would be unusual.


It is therefore very hard to believe that given the evidence from the private search team, the police's working hypothesis is that she fell in the river near where her phone was found, is correct. Someone is wrong.
People have drowned in the River Hull near here, and the body has been found in the Humber.
One such was a guy who was in a band I knew. Probably fell off a bridge.

Another case was Libby Squires, who was murdered. Her body was dumped in the river Hull (probably from some playing fields quite far upstream).

In each case, the body was found in the Humber some weeks later.

So when the dive team say she is not in the river, it may well be correct. She could be in the sea by now.
People have drowned in the River Hull near here, and the body has been found in the Humber.
One such was a guy who was in a band I knew. Probably fell off a bridge.

Another case was Libby Squires, who was murdered. Her body was dumped in the river Hull (probably from some playing fields quite far upstream).

In each case, the body was found in the Humber some weeks later.

So when the dive team say she is not in the river, it may well be correct. She could be in the sea by now
Not quite what was quoted
I understood there were several weirs along the route which would not allow a body to pass over.
I think the river conditions were pretty similar when Roger went missing and he was obviously swept over the weir and into the tidal part of the river. He has found near Shard Bridge which is a fair distance away from St Michael's.
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