No deadlier than the flu you say? lololol

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Israel shows another aspect as well. Get used to it. What ever is done more waves crop up. The jabs reduce all of the collateral damage which isn't just death.

There are some more intelligent business people around who are saying that this can't go on. Some method of limiting / reducing these waves must be found. It suggests some sort of permanent method of limiting spread,

China has one that wouldn't be feasible here. They find a few cases one way or another and lock an entire city down very firmly. Don't even go out. This means that shortly after the incubation period no more people are catching it - end result a much shorter lock down than letting cases build up. They say they will continue to do this at least until 80% of the population is vaccinated.

They have info on how long immunity lasts down to ~90% level following boosters. It's months not a few weeks.

Covid deaths and hospital entries are rising daily. Currently 7 day change +38% deaths and 58% entries. Most people did die if they were going to within 14 days of admission. Around 80% of them. Treatment options may have changed that since then but noises made on that score lately suggests not by all that much if it has. They seem to say a few weeks of an age group in numbers settle that. Numbers as a fair proportions survive but the longer they need to be treated the higher their chances of dying. Ventilation etc. which has lower survival rates.
nonsense really. other countries don’t count covid deaths in the same way as us , particularly china , so no meaningful numerical comparison is possible. Every death here whatever the reason is counted as a covid death providing that person tested positive within the last 28 days.
A mortality count of people dying solely FROM covid has never been provided. Not surprising that the mortality figures are at best ludicrous.
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nonsense really. other countries don’t count covid deaths in the same way as us , particularly china , so no meaningful numerical comparison is possible. Every death here whatever the reason is counted as a covid death providing that person tested positive within the last 28 days.
A mortality count of people dying solely FROM covid has never been provided. Not surprising that the mortality figures are at best ludicrous.
The only reply that deserves is

YAWN. Your extremely boring and have nothing useful to say.
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I had Covid, my illness started on 15th November, so it was probably Delta.

Sorry to hear that, Hope you fully recover.

The reasons given for death are a bit misleading in some respects. They list a number of co-morbidities. Same applies to people needing ventilation as well. Older people are more likely to have them as for instance more of those die, especially over 80. Read chronic conditions, heart, lungs, kidneys or what ever. This clouds the reason why others do as well. Mid 40 to 50's seem to be a good way of needing ICU treatment. Of late at times those have been the age group in ICU and most are unvaccinated. On the other hand some sale through treatment. When this has been mentioned before they have said they aren't sure why. ;) Other than being unvaccinated of late. That is now seen as a bad news if symptoms develop. My sons current girl friend is a nurse. Her comment is that people are clearly suffering less down to vaccinations.

That aspect has been cleared up a long time ago. A better example is the number of patients in hospital split on vaccinated or not. As the proportion of vaccinated people goes up higher numbers of those will be in hospital. The total numbers in go up as waves increase. The only way the effectiveness of a vaccine can be judged is via what the end effect is on people who finish up in hospital. It's pointless viewing it any other way as it wont keep all people out of hospital or an HDU/ICU. The same fact applies to all stages of treatment. An HDU is not the same as ICU. SARI watch publishes info weekly and they are lumped together. They have added age recently.

So the link is correct in some ways as the published info doesn't cover the point they are making. Makes me wonder where any other info came from but the effects outlined above will be there anyway. Oh they are lying - grow up.
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