No-Go areas of UK

Nah I want to see his Brum knowledge seeing as I lived there for many years. Maybe he can tell me the biggest conflict in Brum, the distance it's separated and the reasons why?

Quite easily until the kerfew was instgated.
Predictive text again? :rolleyes:

Can you spell yours? Prove it!
Washwood Heath.
You could not spell it!

You have had a clue! I have given you a couple. OK i'll give you one more. Birchfield Rd. Now with your extensive non googled Brum knowledge you will know exactly what i am referring to.
1. If a couple of travellers' camps are your opinion of "the biggest conflict in Brum," then you need to get a life!
2. If you think that knowing about a couple of travellers' camps is somehow indicative of a knowledge of Birmingham, you need to get a life!
3. A temporary visitor to Birmingham might have known about these camps without even knowing where Perry Barr or Kings Norton is.
4. I have already said that I have been abroad for several weeks, so I would not know about a couple of travellers' camps that have only been in existence for a couple of weeks, and was so unimportant it did not make the news!!
5. . .
6. When you mentioned "the biggest conflict in Brum" I thought you were talking about a long-running dispute, (you did mention "several years" in the lead up to your question) not a small problem that might have been fully occupying your thoughts for a couple of weeks, but is otherwise small beer. It did not even make the local news tonight! Cadburys and Easter was more important! FFS! :rolleyes:
7. As I have been out of the UK for a few weeks, Or they may have mentioned it, but I doubt it as it would not be a big issue in their world, even if it is in yours! :rolleyes:

FFS, get a life!
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Its a problem or a potential problem because you may get arrested or shot ;) :)
Yes, well.. I guess you would.
However, my guess is that Hates original gripe insinuated that there are ordinary no-go areas of the UK that he would like to visit but cant because of some made up barrier.

No such thing as a no-go area in the UK.
Yes, well.. I guess you would.
However, my guess is that Hates original gripe insinuated that there are ordinary no-go areas of the UK that he would like to visit but cant because of some made up barrier.

No such thing as a no-go area in the UK.

Of course there are ;) may not be advertised or on your street map but at certain times you would be advised not to go there ;)

Perth for example certain times of the day u would be advised not to go there. Go there at the wrong time u may well find your self in A&E getting an Irn Bru bottle pulled out of yer ar**s

Predictive text again?

Nope just typing quickly and trying to cope with your constant multi quotes having to go back and forth through pages just to keep track seeing as you cant focus on a singular point so try and skirt around them by putting multiple answers to a post so that you can never give a straight answer.

Washwood Heath.
You could not spell it!

I never lived there and never have or will, like I asked show me where I said I did!? I already answered that in you previous diatribe of questions which you thought weren't answered but just couldn't be bothered to read properly.

And no my phone couldn't spell it as was explained. Yet another point you fail to read.
1. If a couple of travellers' camps are your opinion of "the biggest conflict in Brum," then you need to get a life!
2. If you think that knowing about a couple of travellers' camps is somehow indicative of a knowledge of Birmingham, you need to get a life!
3. A temporary visitor to Birmingham might have known about these camps without even knowing where Perry Barr or Kings Norton is.
4. I have already said that I have been abroad for several weeks, so I would not know about a couple of travellers' camps that have only been in existence for a couple of weeks, and was so unimportant it did not make the news!!
5. I am a regular visitor to Q3, but as I have been abroad for a few weeks, I have not been visiting Q3, or that area. Otherwise I would have seen one of the camps.
6. When you mentioned "the biggest conflict in Brum" I thought you were talking about a long-running dispute, (you did mention "several years" in the lead up to your question) not a small problem that might have been fully occupying your thoughts for a couple of weeks, but is otherwise small beer. It did not even make the local news tonight! Cadburys and Easter was more important! FFS! :rolleyes:
7. As I have been out of the UK for a few weeks, I have not visited family members in the South of Birmingham, otherwise I might have seen the the camp in Kings Norton. Or they may have mentioned it, but I doubt it as it would not be a big issue in their world, even if it is in yours! :rolleyes:

Who said anything about travellers!? Why would you feel the need to bring them into it? You seem fixated on them. Racist!!! :p

6. I did mention a long term conflict, it's been going on nigh on 30 years. Developed from the '85 Handsworth riots. See another clue for you.
.....still waiting for those problem no-go areas that Hate so vociferously bellowed out on a previous thread......?


There are none.

It is a made up fallacy by the trashy right wing media, spoon fed to morons, the gullible and those with a weak mind.
.....still waiting for those problem no-go areas that Hate so vociferously bellowed out on a previous thread......?


There are none.

It is a made up fallacy by the trashy right wing media, spoon fed to morons, the gullible and those with a weak mind.

:rolleyes:nonsense :)
6. I did mention a long term conflict, it's been going on nigh on 30 years. Developed from the '85 Handsworth riots. See another clue for you.
No idea. It is obviously a very localised or very specialised apparent conflict.
Or is it some imaginary conflict that you are referring to.
If it is such a major conflict, perhaps you can find some reference to it.

I can only think about guns and knives on the streets of Lozells and Aston but that is old stuff, in the far distant memory of the areas.
All resolved many years ago, except for plumbers carrying weapons in their vans! :rolleyes:
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No imaginary conflict, not localised either, it has been in national news many times and still continues to be. There has been two films made too. I can find many references to it.

Just seems thou with the great Brum knowledge can't after 3 hours of googling!

Incidentally I was a regular visitor to Lozells (and Ladywood) probably in the 2005 to 2012 period approximately.

Funny that... Ladywood was pretty much the capital of the city for prossies!

Lozells does the best goat curry and jerk chicken dishes though.
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