Odd luminous orb spotted in the sky



Anyone know what it is, I seem to recall, but I can't quite place it :?:

Jeez, my typing.
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hmmm, seems like its as wet this side as it was the other! But the orb will be back by thursday... apparently!
hmmm, seems like its as wet this side as it was the other! But the orb will be back by thursday... apparently!

All hail luminous orb, a ritual sacrifice is in order. I'm gonna sacrifice my liver to a bottle of wine.
my current client is upset. We were supposed to lay a patio, but upon seeing the orb we have decided to build a large ring of standing stones in the garden. she doesnt seem to like it though. I think we may sacrifice her tomorrow :LOL:

Softus :cry:

That photo was taken about 10 miles away from where I lived. :cry: :cry:

Weeeerrrrr doooommmmmmddddddddd---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I can see the light, oh no its dark againnnnnnnnn--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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