Our Police Officers.

30 Jun 2008
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United Kingdom
Last night, (Wednesday), my daughter dropped her partner off at work.
On the return journey, with her 4 year old daughter and 12 week old son in the car, she became trapped in a huge traffic jam caused by rising flash floods in the Seaforth area of Liverpool. She started to become anxious as the baby was due for a bottle. When the lorry driver on her left noticed her trying to calm the baby he told her to stick to his lorry and he would try to get her to the inner lane were she may be able to step out and walk him up and down. With the help of a policeman they managed to get her to a relatively safe place whereupon the policeman asked if he could do anything else. She produced a bottle of cooled boiled water and said she really needed to get it gently warmed up so she could mix up a feed for the baby. Taking the bottle he waded deeper into the water and disappeared into a pub further up the road reappearing a few minutes later with the warmed up bottle.
"Anything else I can do love?" he asked.
She said she wanted to contact me so I could come down and pick up the kids while she waited with the car but her mobile was flat. He took out a mobile, dialled my number and gave me precise details of where she was.
It took me over an hour to reach her and get the kids into our car and home to a hot bath and clean pyjamas. Daughter was eventually forced to abandon the car overnight and collect it today.
I phoned police HQ to pass on my thanks for what this officer did but in all the confusion didn't know his name or his badge number. :oops:

So just for once, instead of knocking these men and women, lets recognise some of the good stuff they do.
We certainly appreciate them.
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I give thanks to my lord most days for all of our emergency services and the work the good ones do in very trying circumstances

I had a beer with a friend at home last week who is in RNLI and got an award for bravery when he saved to kids from a cave filling up with water
I assume said plod wasn't present at G20?... ;)
a post has been removed after complaints but it might have been ironic
as the author of the removed post - it was completely ironic. The op had no problems with it whatsoever, otherwise he would have pm'd me directly or responded in such a way at the time that I would have removed it if he found it anything other than the sarcastic banter than it was.

If some complained about it, then it was a pity that they didn't see the humour nor realise the "relationship" I have with the op. But fair enough mod, you did what was requested.
Knowing you it probably was 'ironic/cynical/smartass reply. :LOL:

Can you PM it to me? ;)

Blas, there may be a grain of truth there. ;)
So just for once, instead of knocking these men and women, lets recognise some of the good stuff they do.
We certainly appreciate them.

Yes Conny, I appreciate 2 breath tests (in 10 days before I was in the States), my motor being investigated (no reason why). Both times, I was sent 'on my way' as I am insured, taxed and hold a full license.

The only reason for pulling me over...... "you approached the junction at speed sir". Well of course I did, I was in a highly powered motor car and slowed safely and didnt break any speed limits. I actually now hold an 'advanced' license but Mr. Small Willy was more interseted in how I could afford the car :rolleyes:

Such a shame they get shot at though. :cry:
So just for once, instead of knocking these men and women, lets recognise some of the good stuff they do.
We certainly appreciate them.

Yes Conny, I appreciate 2 breath tests (in 10 days before I was in the States), my motor being investigated (no reason why). Both times, I was sent 'on my way' as I am insured, taxed and hold a full license.

The only reason for pulling me over...... "you approached the junction at speed sir". Well of course I did, I was in a highly powered motor car and slowed safely and didnt break any speed limits. I actually now hold an 'advanced' license but Mr. Small Willy was more interseted in how I could afford the car :rolleyes: Such a shame they get shot at though. :cry:

Low powered cars can approach junctions at speed. Approaching junctions at speed is what bad drivers do, irrespective of what car they drive.
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