party election made me stop and think

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Not a great one for election broadcasts, my minds already made up! I was listening to radio 2 this evening just before 6 o'clock when one was on. Oh well here we go again time to change over. Except i couldnt, i didnt want to, it actually had an effect on me. Who was it by? The SNP. Now i live in west sussex, pretty far south from scotland, so they probably wont have a candidate where i live, but it made me think about some of the things they raised, when they gave the reasons why you should vote for them:-
fastest growing party in scotland
pushing for independence
already secured various things from the government eg a share of the profits from export of their oil etc

Made me think, i wish i was in bloody scotland, cos at least theyve got a party thats standing up for the government, believes in its own identity, history, independence and its own well being and is actually achieving it as well. Of course i cant vote for anyone like that here as it would be politically incorrect, and no ones got the balls to actually stand for things like that.

It really made me think, but of course i wouldnt want to be in scotland, too many cold days, too many thistles and too many scotsman for my liking
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Apparently the hobby of "trainspotting" is a lot more fun up there too ;)
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I did notice that a lot of the labour line seems to be on things like reducing HIV in Africa, or reducing world poverty or the like - All worthy causes, but I think they should be second-tier issues, not first-tier ones which should be more to do with how this country is governed.
jtaunton said:
I did notice that a lot of the labour line seems to be on things like reducing HIV in Africa, or reducing world poverty or the like - All worthy causes, but I think they should be second-tier issues, not first-tier ones which should be more to do with how this country is governed.
It is a first tier priority if all the africans died of Aids there'd be no-one left there for the west to exploit and life would be hell for us over here if women couldn't get hold of diamonds to wear ;)
jtaunton said:
life would be hell for us over here if women couldn't get hold of diamonds to wear ;)

that sir, would be fine with me - those damn sparklies cost far too much..... just got engaged last month :D none of this argos stuff for her, hell no! gotta be unique :rolleyes: ....... still only another 23 easy monthly payments left to go - lol
mug! (dont worry we all are!) took my mrs to rome, proposed to her there and bought the ring there. All in all probably cheaper than buying a decent ring here!
Kendor wrote

It is a first tier priority if all the africans died of Aids there'd be no-one left there for the west to exploit and life would be hell for us over here if women couldn't get hold of diamonds to wear

You think we'd have problems. In the not too distant future it will be possible to grow diamonds bigger and better than anything those poor African miners are digging up. You think I'm joking? It's already possible to grow decent sized diamonds and dealers are seriously worried.

Instead, spare a thought for the WHITE Africans, condemned to a life of real work because most of their cheap labour has died of AIDS! I distinctly remember, more years ago than I care to remember when AIDS was a brand name for diet food, that black Africans had the means to end their repression. STOP BREEDING! If the supply of cheap black labour was to dry up the price would go through the roof. OK, I was young and daft. Of course they were never going to grasp this simple fact, still less act on it - and they never did. The Carlsberg is wearing off now so it's time to get serious.

Back in the eighties the adverts said "Don't die of ignorance." Sadly, Africans are dying of ignorance in huge numbers right now. Too many of them still think you can cure yourself of AIDS by having sex with a virgin. In one extreme case a dying man raped his eight year old daughter in a last, desperate attempt to cure himself then brought her into a hospital when he realized that he'd probably killed her too. No, don't laugh. That kind of rubbish was rattling around school bike sheds in the sixties and we thought we were well educated!

The answer? Sorry, I don't have one. Why has it become a political issue? Because there's an election coming up. Why will it quietly fade away afterwards? Because they haven't got any oil. Nuff said!
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