People on benefits..

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Plenty of farming in Suffolk.
I expect he doesn't like his hands dirty though.
And no point when the government is shovelling money hand over fist into your pocket.
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So you wouldn't employ a Brit (you admit that you only employ foreigners) then complain when they can't find work.

It's time you dropped out of the thread - you are simply making a tool out of yourself. :rolleyes:
But they don't want to work. Why employ someone with a poor work ethic when superior workers are available?
But they don't want to work. Why employ someone with a poor work ethic when superior workers are available?

How do you know that if you haven't employed him and NEVER employ Brits at all - yet you are on £40K + You are a sad man. :cry:
I certainly gained a new skill from that scheme, but not to the level that I could actually make use of it in getting a job

I must emphasise that these Mandatory Work schemes are not education or training programmes, nor are they intended to be.

They are government schemes, so they are badly run, and disorganized, I do hope you are not under the impression that "if only this government was X they would do it properly".

So what do you propose, that you just get given the money, no strings attached, for an indefinite period?

Or do you want to run on the mistaken belief that the government should pay you more so they are not "exploiting you"

Clearly you are alive after several years on such schemes, so they clearly pay a "living wage", your earlier definition of an exploitative wage.

You have a lot of criticism for these schemes, so what is it you actually want,

more money?

Do you think they should just pay you JBA with no strings or conditions?

That the government should give you a well paying job?

The government to wave it's magic wand and create jobs for all?

I'm actually quite well educated. I left school at 16 with 4 O levels, but I've since acquired two more, as well as several NVQs and a BA. Part of my personal problem is that the experience and skills I've built up are in relatively esoteric fields, and there's very little demand for them in the current job market.

Something about your story really doesn't add up.

You give the impression that you have been out of work for years and years, yet plenty of people find crappy low paid work, particularly the famed "job stealing immigrants".

I also find it funny you completely didn't respond to my ripping apart of your "1 million homeless article".

You can't be that well educated if you get taken in by such properganderish rubbish.
People like Norcon ONLY employ migrants - that's the problem. Every migrant arriving means one less job for a Brit.
People like Norcon ONLY employ migrants - that's the problem. Every migrant arriving means one less job for a Brit.

He is a problem, but not THE problem, really people like him, and his attitudes, are just a symptom of other cultural issues.

Did you vote conservative/labour/lib dem?

If so, then you are likely more a part of the problem than he is.
Would you employ him? Yes or no?

He considers himself too elite for manual labour. He should have his benefits terminated then he might come down a peg or two.

You really have no idea what you're talking about, have you?

Don't make assumptions.

From 1977 to 2001, I worked as a semi-itinerant, semi-professional, archaeological assistant on over 30 excavations across the UK. Don't be misled by Tony Robinson and the Time Team, they only show you the end product, not the work that goes into getting there.

90% of archaeology is navvying, pure and simple; either on your feet with a mattock and shovel, or on your knees with a trowel. It's hard, intensive, manual labour; immensely rewarding but sometimes immensely tedious; always dirty and uncomfortable, and invariably demanding both physical stamina and intellectual acuity.

I've shovelled sh!t with the best of them, mate. I've worked on Stone Age, Iron Age, Roman, Viking, Medieval and Georgian sites. I've emptied the contents out of cemeteries, cess pits, charnel houses, dung heaps and middens. I once spent a year sinking a trench, by hand, through 5 metres of waterlogged Medieval ordure in an arrested state of decomposition, going home stinking of Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulphide and 500-year old river mud every night. I'm no stranger to dirty hands.

I've shovelled sh!t with the best, and the worst, of them. I've worked for, alongside, or over, people from a very wide range of backgrounds, and with an equally varied range of personalities. I've worked with people with special needs, and with university graduates (who often also fall into the first category), and ex-squaddies. I've worked with Sikhs, Muslims and Jews. I've worked with homosexuals, militant feminist lesbians, and right-wing neo-fascists (and I know whose company I prefer). I've worked with the entertainingly eccentric, the dangerously eccentric, and the borderline psychopathological, and taken responsibility for their safety in undeniably hazardous circumstances. I'm not a snob.

I've shovelled sh!t for the best of them, too. I've worked for the Department of Ancient Monuments (as was), and English Heritage (as it is now). I've worked for Bristol Museum, and the Museum of London. I've worked for Sheffield University, Northampton University, and Southampton University, and a number of regional Archaeological Units; and I've been commended for my professionalism, in print, by the Museum of London on behalf of the Royal Armouries at the Tower of London.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. 12 years ago, while working for the Museum of London, I strained a tendon in my right elbow. Not a major injury, as such things go, but enough to put me out of archaeology (and any similar form of manual labour) for good.
I also find it funny you completely didn't respond to my ripping apart of your "1 million homeless article".

You can't be that well educated if you get taken in by such properganderish rubbish.

My apologies, we cross-posted. I was going to reply to that point along these lines: I may be wrong, but I'm new to researching this subject, and I'm still working out which sources are good, and which aren't. I've taken your views on board.

I'm enjoying this debate - I don't often get the chance to test my arguments on an intelligent adversary - and I hope to continue with it, but not tonight. You've asked a lot of pertinent questions, but I'm not a fast writer, and it's going to take all day tomorrow to answer them. I'll do my best though.

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