Physics question 2...



they reckon that Earth (as a consequence of the big bang) is travelling at so many thousands of mph... but why don't we feel that, or the inertia from it?
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Gravitational pull.
Imagine being on the Waltzers at the fairground and how you feel pushed into the back of the ride as it spins. If the gravitational pull of the earth was weak we would be spun off into space. Because of its comparative strength to our size it keeps us 'pulled' towards the earths centre thereby eliminating the inertia effect.
Gravitational pull.
Imagine being on the Waltzers at the fairground and how you feel pushed into the back of the ride as it spins. If the gravitational pull of the earth was weak we would be spun off into space. Because of its comparative strength to our size it keeps us 'pulled' towards the earths centre thereby eliminating the inertia effect.

yep, agreed, carp question, but it's late... ;)
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they reckon that Earth (as a consequence of the big bang) is travelling at so many thousands of mph... but why don't we feel that, or the inertia from it?

I actually thought about this; the dinosaurs lived many years ago, but by all accounts many of them were huge beasts..Would they have evolved to be so big, because gravity was weaker, so they could move freely in their environment? How the (can't believe I'm going to try to attempt to spell this) Teradactyl? could fly with bat like wings?

So by that illogic, means that humans get smaller, hence from 1600's or so, humans grew more, due to better diet? even that recent? I'm not tall, but a friend of mine has a cottage that was built in the 1650/1700, and I have to stoop in the living room.

So as the planet slowed, the gravity became greater, and the large animals couldn't get up?

Small animals like rodents, apes, that evolved to us were fine, as they could monkey tree to tree, and Whales escaped, as they were at the bottom of the Oceans.

But the latest study is that GLOBAL WARMING caused the mammoths to die off..GLOBAL COOLING saw the mammoths what was suggested in the '70's

So why are houses that exist from 1600 etc, have low roofs? by design, or default? Those people were smaller than the current population, and their environment mirrored this. You design to your environment.
We don't feel the inertia of the speed the Earth is travelling through space at , simple because we are travelling at the same speed.
Think about travelling in a car. If your travelling at 50mph and crash into something solid, the car stops very suddenly, but your body will try to keep going forward at 50mph.

Micky... Very interesting theory about gravity changing over thousands of years. We didn't know about gravity until Isacc Newton invented it though. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Animals were bigger because the higher oxygen content of the planet.

And like was said before. We are travelling at the same speed and as space is a vacuum there is no friction.
they reckon that Earth (as a consequence of the big bang) is travelling at so many thousands of mph... but why don't we feel that, or the inertia from it?

did you not do physics at school..............
Small furry animals were still small furry animals, when I were a lad,....
I noticed that if you suck all the oxygen out of a rat, it does get smaller...
and with a compressed air line....
We don't feel the inertia of the speed the Earth is travelling through space at , simple because we are travelling at the same speed.
Think about travelling in a car. If your travelling at 50mph and crash into something solid, the car stops very suddenly, but your body will try to keep going forward at 50mph.

Micky... Very interesting theory about gravity changing over thousands of years. We didn't know about gravity until Isacc Newton invented it though. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Surely the planet was smaller back in the day, so rotated at a different speed, so gravity was weaker, and not the case that there was more oxygen about, I would have though less, due to volcanoes etc??

I just watched a documentary about a roman form being excavated, but it's under ground level, and the fort that was there before that is under that the Earth IS larger than in was millions of years ago.

The land is always built up, fossils fall out of cliffs on the south coast, many layers deep, fossil fuel is drilled deep within the sea, so the planet has more mass than it did years ago..

This would affect the speed of the planet, and thus it's gravity.

Also I think the Earths atmosphere would create friction against space, I'd call it the ozone layer. Lick an envelope, and seal it, then rip it open at the seal, in the dark - that's ozone you see. Friction.
inertia is the resistance to a change in speed..
since we are already traveling at that speed we don't have any inertia to it..

at certain times of the day you are traveling faster than at others since you are either on the side of the planet traveling back the way we came from, or on the side that's traveling forwards the way we are going.. it would look something like a sine wave if plotted on a graph...

so the planet has more mass than it did years ago..

unless there have been large amounts of asteroid strikes that we don't know about, then we probably have less mass, since some of it is floating about in orbit.. ( space stations, bits that fell off the various space ships that have been sent up, satelites etc.. not to mention the bits left on the moon, although they did bring some moon rocks back so that probably works out about the same.. ? )

it may be bigger or smaller, but the amount of actual matter won't have changed that much..

the earth is a thin skin on a ball of molten rock..
the stuff at the bottom gets re-melted and new layers get added to the top.. mountains get pushed up, then eroded over millenia and deposited as layers of sand and dirt etc on top of what's already there...
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