Police work to rule

didnt say i was, you dont know me from adam. When i was a copper i gave evidence against those that stepped over the line.

There are some good ones, there are some rubbish ones and unfortunatley there are some bent ones. Doesnt mean you have to tar them all with the same brush. hence thats why i think a lot of what is said is ****.

All respect to you thermo...it cant be easy doing that and i would image it takes ball because it would make you pretty unpopular with some of your colleagues

I know what you mean about the 'tarring'...as a supporter of one of the most notorious clubs in the country thats something I have to put up with from the police..it makes you feel like you have to prove your not all the time..guilty until proven innocent.

Getting a 'section' instantly when your stopped knowing full well that one word...one single word will get you banged up for the night isnt fun.
I ahve spoken to cozzers who are football supporters, decent fellas..and I have asked them how they feel when they see colleagues over stepping the mark with supporters..one fella I know well is straight..he wont use r hide behind his badge if he is stopped..he wouldnt say a word..but has told me that one day he will step in if he sees a policeman going to far.

That takes some doing IMO because of the difficult postion it puts him in
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didnt say i was, you dont know me from adam. When i was a copper i gave evidence against those that stepped over the line.

There are some good ones, there are some rubbish ones and unfortunatley there are some bent ones. Doesnt mean you have to tar them all with the same brush. hence thats why i think a lot of what is said is ****.

All respect to you thermo...it cant be easy doing that and i would image it takes ball because it would make you pretty unpopular with some of your colleagues

I know what you mean about the 'tarring'...as a supporter of one of the most notorious clubs in the country thats something I have to put up with from the police..it makes you feel like you have to prove your not all the time..guilty until proven innocent.

Getting a 'section' instantly when your stopped knowing full well that one word...one single word will get you banged up for the night isnt fun.
I ahve spoken to cozzers who are football supporters, decent fellas..and I have asked them how they feel when they see colleagues over stepping the mark with supporters..one fella I know well is straight..he wont use r hide behind his badge if he is stopped..he wouldnt say a word..but has told me that one day he will step in if he sees a policeman going to far.

That takes some doing IMO because of the difficult postion it puts him in

when i did it a few of us did it, we could have turned a blind eye, but it was out of order. Ive also taken people aside when theyve crossed the line. Doesnt happen often, but people are human.

I used to be a football spotter, travelling the country, never got in the premier league, but by god, i could never get my head around some of the mentality of some of the firms. We used to be able to walk in the worst pubs and talk to all the known "boys" because we were always there and would quite often sort out little problems for them when they were in trouble away from home. Most of the others thought we were mad for doing it and wouldnt even set foot in the pub in full public order gear

Ive moved on no, but it does get up my goat when people jump to conclusions. Still the world is full of small minded people from all walks of life.
Your on a loser with the hoolies..they just want to fight, no moral issues no deep seated psychological explainations...blokes+beer+football away days=punch up!

Its a shame though when other people get caught up in it..bear in mind though that sometimes you have no choice, when theres nowhere to run.

I hope you dressed acordingly when you were a spotter...burgundy polo shirts, jeans with the creases down the front and desert boots are a hell of a giveaway!

I have no objection to the police having to get involved in breaking up fights when it comes to public order etc...i wouldnt do it because theres always the element that just want to 'ave it' with the OB.. and I think its ridiculous they allow WPC's to get involved too.

What I dont like is when some openly goad supporters waiting for a reaction..knowing full well they have steel toes caps, helmets and shields and badges to hide behind.

You have mail btw
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didnt say i was, you dont know me from adam. When i was a copper i gave evidence against those that stepped over the line.

There are some good ones, there are some rubbish ones and unfortunatley there are some bent ones. Doesnt mean you have to tar them all with the same brush. hence thats why i think a lot of what is said is ****.

Thermo, I went through police training (military and civilian) and crowd control is hard knowing your out numbered and drunks are hard enough to handle let alone a bunch of morons whose team had won or lost a foot ball game and they go nuts.

Once the group becomes unruly, crowd control becomes a real danger as police are normally out numbered over 100 to 1.

Bop, crack a few knee caps, and let the courts decide who was innocent.

What I do not understand is how the English law enforcement is trained?

I was taught when using a baton (night stick) hit the mongrels on the side of the knee or a jab to the stomach or hit the idiots using the baton like a pool cue, straight on never on the head as the baton could break and then you have a really ****ed off nut case coming at you.

A swift shot straight on to the forehead or chest removes some of their aggression and has an immediate calming effect as they bow down in front of you

Law enforcement is a very frustrating as one joins the force to battle crime not be told "over look these folks as we want to be politically correct" or be told your not going on patrol today go out and meet a quota of tickets.

After dealing with the public and seeing politicians getting away with murder (drunk drivers) and catching a mugger or a person who butchered someone with a machete and then going to court and hearing a plea bargain being given really can burn someone out super fast.

Promotions given out to fill a racial quota also is very disheartening to the ones who really studied to pass exams for sergeant etc.

I can imagine how the coppers in Australia felt when the 3 foreigners who raped an Oz woman were given very light sentences as the low life judge did not want riots on his hands.

Many folks join the force with really good intension's but the systems destroy that with in a very short time.