Polio making a comeback.

I’m actually not sure If I’m vaccinated, my Mum was into alternative medicine and stuff when I was youn….and I’m not sure I got it or not.

What age would I have got it, anybody know?
Probably before your time. 1949 was the main year. One of the most famous victims of the disease was Ian Dury, the book about him by Richard Balls describes the disease, the times and the treatment well. The treatment was brutal; it was a "no sympathy" treatment. Polio was a terrible disease, far worse than Covid.
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What age would I have got it, anybody know?
I think it would depend on when you were at school. These days babies get it and then boosters at school. Drops were used in the UK for a while but I am pretty sure I was jabbed at school. Earlier - I'd need to ask my mom who isn't with us any more. Jabs probably mid midish 50's in my case.

1,000's used to get it. There must have been a big drive on immunisation as it dropped off very quickly. There is a graph here

The answer to parents when I was at school is one day a teacher would say your going to be jabbed for whatever today. I think there was a warning in senior school.
Polio is still abundant ? Not been etradicated In parts of Pakistan

Apparently health workers trying to administer vaccines have been attacked even bumped off
I posted about this a good while back

Apparently it’s all some western y backed plot put around by the countries fruit cakes

And there are plenty of them there

Probably similar to this covid vaccine caper bandied around particular in the US ???
The Polio samples were discovered in the Beckton sewer treatment works. Feck me, my turds at work end up there so chances are it came from Newham.
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I’m actually not sure If I’m vaccinated, my Mum was into alternative medicine and stuff when I was youn….and I’m not sure I got it or not.

What age would I have got it, anybody know?
It should be on your medical record.
Polio is still abundant ? Not been etradicated In parts of Pakistan
A number of countries still have it around. People travel and as people may have noticed that can cause things to spread. :) Mind you some think one was a myth.
A number of countries still have it around. People travel and as people may have noticed that can cause things to spread. :) Mind you some think one was a myth.

If I recall via my previous post some while back

Polio had been eradicated except from 3 countries or regions in the countries and Pakistan was one of em
The Polio samples were discovered in the Beckton sewer treatment works. Feck me, my turds at work end up there so chances are it came from Newham.
It’s thought to be as a result of local immigrants who have had live oral polio inoculation overseas , the UK uses injections.So findings don’t necessarily mean cases of polio .
There were polio outbreaks in UK in the 1950's and 1960s

It was such a terrible disease that there were queues of parents and children running down the street outside doctors surgeries to be immunised. It was thought especially dangerous to children. You would be hard pressed to find an antivaxxer on those days.

I knew two men who had it, they would both be around retirement age now. Both had damaged legs and were unable to father children.
It’s thought to be as a result of local immigrants who have had live oral polio inoculation overseas , the UK uses injections.So findings don’t necessarily mean cases of polio .

Where did you see the word "immigrants?" Foreign travel includes people on holiday and wedding guests, aid workers, and British servicemen, since the disease is also found in Afghanistan.
Thank gods most people today have never heard of an Iron Lung.


Antivaxxers F O.
I’m actually not sure If I’m vaccinated, my Mum was into alternative medicine and stuff when I was youn….and I’m not sure I got it or not.

What age would I have got it, anybody know?
Do you remember a doctor giving you a sugar lump? You'd have been around 3-5yo
The problem with the mixed attenuated virus "vaccinations" is that they can cause infections in others but it's rather rare. The virus come out in stools as mentioned. 3 strains have been used. If you look into that area loads of countries have it around even Ukraine and Israel and many many African countries. If I recollect correctly there is a link on the BBC page to a specialist site on this subject.

The aim has been to end the use of attenuated virus. The problem with jabs in developing countries is hygiene and costs etc.

:( interesting to relate this sort of area with covid. Vaccination levels pretty high in developed countries - the rest, no where near as high.
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