Preparing for emergencies.

  • Thread starter david and julie
  • Start date
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.........thanks Mr Blair for wasting all your ....oops .....our money on the biggest load of s**t ever produced. What a waste of time and effort that booklet was :eek:
The question is which one is the more truthful. The real one or the spoof in the link?
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I agree its too simplistic. That said, when you read of what is done by some people, I think there are some people stupid enough to need to read it. Though it's probably propping up that slightly short wonky leg on their coffee table 'coz its borin and aave got betta things to do wi mi time'
My (improved) guide:

1) If you see a hi-jacked plane approaching: RUN!

2) If you see a suspicious package: RUN!

3) If there is a man running towards you yelling "JIHAD!" and carrying a sharp implement: RUN!

4) If there is smokey stuff that might be, like, poisonous or something, hold your breath. Then: RUN!

5) If someone tells you "Vote for Tony Blair", slap their face, kick them in the goolies, then: RUN!