Relationship has hit the buffers

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I thought I would just let you all know, that yesterday my relationship with the Filipina widow, has finally hit the buffers after 10 months, due to differences between us - which we are unable to resolve.

She lives alone, working in a low paid job, really struggling valiantly to pay her bills and mortgage. Her husband gambled away half the value of the house, before he died, leaving her in a total financial mess, which she can never manage to repay in her working life. If the house is ever sold, much of the amount realised would immediately go to creditors in Charges against the property.

I suggested the easy way out for her, was to simply move here, sell up, pay the debts off and live happily ever after. Problem is, she will not let go of the house with all of its problems and make a fresh start. She would then end up with my home when I'm gone. She is really struggling to an incredible extent at the moment, just to survive, but she wants to come and live with me, but also keep her own house and all the debt surrounding it. There have been two attempts to repossess. Obviously, I don't want to spend the rest of my life, watching her struggle financially here.

Discussion has bounced from selling, to here renting her house out, but she has absolutely no funds at all, to finance her doing that, nor any funds to cover for even the slightest hiccup should anything at all go wrong. At best, the rental would cover her monthly mortgage, still leaving her with lots of interest to pay on other loans, plus the property is too far from here for her to easily manage.

Yesterday, I put it to her that she had to sell up, pay the debts, and make the move - or we would be best saying bye, bye. She refused, so we have had to part, her very, very upset.
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Call it a day Harry and visit a Wetherspoons, plenty of people there to while away an hour or two. Shame things haven't worked out but as we all know some people cant be helped.
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I thought I would just let you all know, that yesterday my relationship with the Filipina widow, has finally hit the buffers after 10 months, due to differences between us - which we are unable to resolve.

Yesterday, I put it to her that she had to sell up, pay the debts, and make the move - or we would be best saying bye, bye. She refused, so we have had to part, her very, very upset.
Sounds like she had a lucky escape.
I always thought love came unconditional, maybe that's just me.
What would happen if things didn't work out with her living with you? she'd be homeless, no money, and having to rent somewhere paying at least what her mortgage cost, maybe she's thinking of this aswell, it's not an easy decision for her to make.
I have other irons in the fire, but sadly the other irons come with their own issues. Why is life so damn complicated?
I suppose part of the challenge is the older we get, the more baggage we tend to have. Not always of course, however not uncommon.
Harry pick yourself up and dust yourself down, release some of that cash you've got hoarded and get out on the town.

CMIIW but I thought this was a love relationship & not just a convenient arrangement.

If you want a cook/cleaner/sex doll, then pay the going rates.
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