Remind me what bending the knee is all about?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Why would anyone not want an equal fare society. There really are no blinkers on me.
If you took your blinkers off, you might see a bit more. Be able to see a wider view.

But if you don't try then you won't see

I'm not sure about you but since the age of 19 I see how the other quarters live.

I've been in their houses and I talk to them... I really do. More so when I was younger but I'll talk about race and culture to a black man or a Bangladeshi family.

I've sat many a table eating food with people from other lands and cultures.

I've seen poverty and its inclusive of white people as much as the rest of our population.

Really I had my blinkers knocked off a long time ago.
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I'm not sure about you but since the age of 19 I see how the other quarters live.

I've been in their houses and I talk to them... I really do. More so when I was younger but I'll talk about race and culture to a black man or a Bangladeshi family.

I've sat many a table eating food with people from other lands and cultures.

I've seen poverty and its inclusive of white people as much as the rest of our population.

Really I had my blinkers knocked off a long time ago.
then you should understand the difference between B l m and the premier league stance
No you arent

I see these young children from foreign parents speaking 2 or 3 languages.
It's wonderful and I tell them that.
I encourage my girls to learn other languages as it will hold them back if they don't.

I worry about my girls coming behind other kids or young Adults because they are the wrong colour.

You will say it doesn't happen but it does. And they will be brain washed into thinking that's exceptable and the way of the world.

I don't worry about myself but I do for all our kids

Love of a child is 2nd to none
then you should understand the difference between B l m and the premier league stance

You think jumping onto a Black movement stance will educate us about all the injustices in this world.

Did that educate Benjamin Mendy how not to treat a woman or Ryan Giggs.

No because bending the knee is about one thing and one thing only.
Think like this bodd….

If you are adult, white, male, well educated and wealthy, you are at the top of the Advantage Tree. Everyone else is beneath you at this point. Anyone black will be way down the Advantage Tree. You’d be surprised just how low.
For all the past mistakes , none of them are my girls mistakes.
I want them to grow up with friends of what ever colour or nationality equally
I want them given the same equal opportunity as anyone else. Not based on anything other than ability.
You'd better get used to the idea. Currently only about 10% of cohabiting couples are mixed ethnicity, but that rate is not only increasing, the rate of increase is probably going to accelerate.
As mixed-ethnicity couple have children, the percentage of mixed ethnicity children will increase, and there might come a time when it will be more difficult to find a partner of the same ethnicity as yourself.
If football wants to make a stance on all forms of abuse then come up with something original rather than hitching a ride with an American BLM black power movement.

They then may have to look at the way they conduct themselves other than pointing the finger at others while they bend their knee.
I don't see the FA taking a stand against abuse of women for a good while yet, judging by the number of assault and rape cases against footballers.
I don't see the FA taking a stand against abuse of women for a good while yet, judging by the number of assault and rape cases against footballers.
Why does football have to take a stand against this?
Pretty soon they'll have to bend the knee for every fault of society.

I miss the days when someone would run on the pitch, kick the ball high in the air, take up his position and kick off.
I see these young children from foreign parents speaking 2 or 3 languages.
It's wonderful and I tell them that.
I encourage my girls to learn other languages as it will hold them back if they don't.

I worry about my girls coming behind other kids or young Adults because they are the wrong colour.

You will say it doesn't happen but it does. And they will be brain washed into thinking that's exceptable and the way of the world.

I don't worry about myself but I do for all our kids

Love of a child is 2nd to none
You spend your time trying to ramp up a phoney culture war.

Why does football have to take a stand against this?
Simply because of the number of footballers being accused of violence against women.

Pretty soon they'll have to bend the knee for every fault of society.
That's just trying to counter an argument by extrapolating it to the extreme.
Not a sensible tactic in discussion.
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