Republicans and Brexiteers share many things in common

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Its surprising how poor republicans and Brexiteers share so many things in common but the one striking point is that they both will vote for policies that make themselves even worse off.

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:rolleyes: :LOL:

Best u vote for Corbyn he will sort out the private landlord rental rip off in the country ;)
And having 2 university degrees wont help

Or is it 3 ?? Buy 2 get one free :idea:
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:rolleyes: :LOL:

Best u vote for Corbyn he will sort out the private landlord rental rip off in the country ;)
And having 2 university degrees wont help

Or is it 3 ?? Buy 2 get one free :idea:

You're on a roll. Don't stop believing.
Tis a very simple explanation

You fell in with a bad lot :LOL: easily lead :LOL:
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For a man who doesn't vote you're awfully obsessed with Corbyn.

Trash talking Tranny can we add Terrible liar to that.
The world is really in a mess, Trump spending 100's of billions on defence against the rest of the world, the Chinese spending billions on defence against Trump and the rest of the world ,the Russians spending billions on defence against the EU and America and the rest of the world.
If only out of self interest I would have thought that these great nations would chose co-operation over competition and confrontation.
You have China now the workshop of the world but still basically copycatting Western products and selling them back to the west cheaply, then you have the Russians with vast natural resources and territories ,meanwhile America and Europe still have the edge in innovation and creativity .
If these countries could work together in a spirit of goodwill for the benefit of all people then the billions wasted on weapons could be used more productively.
You may call me a dreamer but I am not the only one, I hope some day you will join us and the world will live as one.
If only out of self interest I would have thought that these great nations would chose co-operation over competition and confrontation.
It was heading that way until Trump got his tiny grubby hands in the pie.
The world is really in a mess, Trump spending 100's of billions on defence against the rest of the world, the Chinese spending billions on defence against Trump and the rest of the world ,the Russians spending billions on defence against the EU and America and the rest of the world.
If only out of self interest I would have thought that these great nations would chose co-operation over competition and confrontation.
You have China now the workshop of the world but still basically copycatting Western products and selling them back to the west cheaply, then you have the Russians with vast natural resources and territories ,meanwhile America and Europe still have the edge in innovation and creativity .
If these countries could work together in a spirit of goodwill for the benefit of all people then the billions wasted on weapons could be used more productively.
You may call me a dreamer but I am not the only one, I hope some day you will join us and the world will live as one.

America form of capitalism or crony capitalism where the top 1% get a 2 trillion tax cut and corporations continue to receive welfare and regulations get cut cannot operate in the spirit of co-operation.

Boeing current problems are a case in point. US Governments had gutted the FAA budget, who were now left with accepting the manufacturers would self regulate and did not have the resources to certify planes themselves.

Boeing who contracted out software for safety critical systems to India to developers paid $9 an hour.
Ive not heard that term before, its very apt.

It applies a great deal in the UK.

Follow the money and there lies the truth.......

Capitalism is a well managed market with regulations is the most efficient form of organising resources to deliver private goods and services.

Public goods are non rivalry and non excludable - Defence being a prim example. But when you contract out defence delivery to private operators you have the worst use of resources.
Tranny and the truth are strange bedfellows.

*Anker lot aka Galahad the educated triple university degree holder associating or linking mass shootings in the us with brexit

What are your tax payer funded university degrees in ?? Speak up or should I guess :LOL:
*Anker lot aka Galahad the educated triple university degree holder associating or linking mass shootings in the us with brexit

What are your tax payer funded university degrees in ?? Speak up or should I guess :LOL:

RWR can't keep stop cross posting in threads, foaming at the mouth again.

Voting for your kids and grand kids being poorer.
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