Sainsbury’s to close.

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Yeah, some other shops are doing the same.

Maybe they should also start closing some Sundays, maybe once a month. Must be horrible working in retail now. Used to be Monday to Saturday, with half day Wednesday.
I think all Sunday trading should go back to the way it was years ago. All major stores shut and 'corner' shops only open for 4 hours for the sale of newspapers, cigarettes/tobacco, sweets, bread and milk.
It's not just retail outlets that consider Sunday as a normal working day. Many, many industrial companies now have contracts that state you will be expected to work at weekends for single rate pay. Some companies, not many, have an agreement that you take a day off in lieu without pay to make up for losing your Sunday but others, such as CP don't have that provision. Every day of the week is classed as, and paid as, a normal working day to them but their senior and middle management never work those days, just supervisors.
I’m not sure how it is now, but a few years ago a customer of ours told me that in France, stores are shut on a Sunday, and it’s all family time.
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As far as my wife knows (colleague) Asda will still remain open. Mainly because they have a pharmacy inside so need to remain open if it's their week to be the community pharmacy.

They get no additional pay for working bank holidays, no extra time off etc. They have to work 3 bank holidays a year.
Hoo bloody ray

working people have been treated like dirt by many employers for years.

Remember Tory MPs cheering when they voted down an attempt to consider a pay rise for public sector workers?

Remember Prime Minister Johnson saying 1% for nurses was all they could have?

Remember warehouse workers peeing in a bottle because their pay was docked for toilet breaks?

Remember zero-hours contracts?

Did you know, adjusted for inflation, UK wages have not risen in more than 12 years?

There are now shortages of workers all over the place.

Expect pay and conditions to become competitive in trying to attract people.

Not just for workers at the bottom of the heap.

"Wall Street banks are stepping up efforts to automate “grunt work” foisted on younger investment bankers, portraying the changes as an attempt to reduce workloads and stop young talent from leaving the industry.

Companies including Goldman Sachs, Barclays and Moelis have initiatives under way to automate basic functions such as generating pitch books and valuation modelling, according to bank executives.

The efforts suggest that attempts by Wall Street banks to mollify junior bankers by raising their pay have been insufficient to stem the high rate of attrition in their ranks."
It all went pear shaped in this country for the working bloke when pencil pushers / paper shufflers clamped down on

and decided to change the term perks to theft:confused:
Hoo bloody ray

working people have been treated like dirt by many employers for years.

Remember Tory MPs cheering when they voted down an attempt to consider a pay rise for public sector workers?

Remember Prime Minister Johnson saying 1% for nurses was all they could have?

Remember warehouse workers peeing in a bottle because their pay was docked for toilet breaks?

Remember zero-hours contracts?

Did you know, adjusted for inflation, UK wages have not risen in more than 12 years?

There are now shortages of workers all over the place.

Expect pay and conditions to become competitive in trying to attract people.

Not just for workers at the bottom of the heap.

Of course, nobody will accept the same rules to be applied to chefs, bartenders, waiters, washer uppers, or any other service people have come to expect on a weekend.

I'm surprised more places don't close Mondays like some Chinese restaurants.
I suspect they did some analysis and realised that people massively over stock for Christmas that they don't need anything for Boxing Day. They also worked out, that by announcing it early, people will buy even more excess.
Of course, nobody will accept the same rules to be applied to chefs, bartenders, waiters, washer uppers, or any other service people have come to expect on a weekend.

I'm surprised more places don't close Mondays like some Chinese restaurants.
Chippies always used to be closed on Mondays in my area, not so much now
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