School run

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that's all very well but there are two schools tucked behind a parade of shops a few hundred yards from my house. The road is the main "estate drain" road so quite busy. Yesterday I got stuck behind a driver who stopped on a DYL and the son got out, removed a bag from the boot, and then had a conversation through the passenger window. The driver then waited as they acted as a roadblock to allow the kid to cross. There was abus parked at a stop on the other side so maybe 30 cars had built up.
the next two primaries are also on DYLs ( one is a Red Route) but parents still stop or double park in the centre of the road.
The parents also complain about traffic
"Access will be permitted for residents living on these streets and for Blue Badge holders during these times, but no one else will be allowed to drive on them."

Should stop those pesky builders, plumbers and electricians who want to start work before 9.
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Some Parents don't live near the school and have 2 or more kids at different schools. It's not really a one size fits all.
And what if you live 3 miles from a school and there's no bus, and you also need to get to work at 9am? Walking is a luxury these days.
Walking is a luxury these days.
Not a luxury it is a last resort many lazy buggers would not entertain...3 miles...they ram up the kerbs to save a walk of 3 yards.And before you start Notchy...leave the disabled out of it
This just moves the problem away somewhere else, fking idiotic idea. I know.. lets penalise the cars drivers etc. Some parents are trying to drop off kids in different schools places and get to work. Obviously these people don't have kids.
Its fine saying I walked two miles 2 school when I was a lad, but there are twice and many vehicles on the road now than in the 1970s

How are the people who live on the street meant to get to and from their homes?
Its fine saying I walked two miles 2 school when I was a lad, but there are twice and many vehicles on the road now than in the 1970s

How are the people who live on the street meant to get to and from their homes?

'Access will be permitted for residents living on these streets and for Blue Badge holders during these times, but no one else will be allowed to drive on them. The roads will be open at weekends and during school holidays.'

To prove they are a resident they have to apply for a permit.
I've lived near a school where this happens and it's a nightmare for everyone. Local people trying to get somewhere on foot, including the school or a corner shop, while people who live as near as 1/4 of a mile away turn up in a 4X4 to drop 9 year old Tony/Toni at school, then sit there watching them walk across the school yard to their mates before trying to do a 3 point turn to go back home because going straight ahead means they will have to go an extra 400 yards along the main road.
And what's to stop parents dropping their kid(s) off down the road just outside the restrictions?
This is a tough one. I walk my girls to school. To their class. To young to drop them a few streets away if I drove... Most parents do walk, but a few who could walk drive. Then there are the parents that live to far have jobs and kids at diffrent schools... Too much of a mine field.
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