
the way society is these days i'm afraid.

everything has to be polarising,

daily wailer

are all used to instantly shutdown debate and different thought.

its a bad time for society, and i hope it changes quickly...

personally i blame the parents of the past, and there little ones now grown up into idiots...

Well put and completely agree.

I read a tweet today from a young person demanding spotify cancel Joe Rogan because he had a free and open discussion with the inventor of the MRNA vaccine and the discussion flew in the face of the MSM message and thus was being labeled as "Misinformation"

I'd like to ask that person if they truly knew exactly what they were doing by demanding censorship.
I doubt they would grasp the bigger picture.
I suspect most woke outrage is actually laziness. It is difficult and hard work to constantly question and investigate the world around you. Much easier for someone else to do that and not give you the option.
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personally i blame the parents of the past, and there little ones now grown up into idiots...
Correct. Some of the old duffer RWR's on this very forum are amongst the dumbest people you'll ever meet.
Had covid last week mrs got it few days later several mates who we had been out with new years day also got it no one was ill with it at most like a slight head cold as we all said in a normal year you would just ignore it and put it down as a seasonal bug
This genuinely really annoys me that one has to say this in a discussion about Covid.
There is so much wrong with it, on so many different levels, it makes me wince.

The idiots who peddle this notion and use the label to negate opinion have not the wit to understand what they mean or what they do when they use it.
Nowadays when they want shut someone's mouth they just need to say "He is a conspiracy theorist".
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sorry this wasn't clear,

it appears that omicron hasn't been as bad as the press made out it was

the message I took from the early reports was that it was more transmissible, but probably less severe.

there were discussions around the subject of "half as severe but twice as many cases would mean equal numbers of hospital admissions"

though since both estimates were guesses based on insufficient data it was too early to know. It was always going to take several weeks of experience in the UK, or a country with similar demographics and numbers of vaccinated people, to make accurate forecasts. South Africa, for example, is not the same.
Had covid last week mrs got it few days later several mates who we had been out with new years day also got it no one was ill with it at most like a slight head cold as we all said in a normal year you would just ignore it and put it down as a seasonal bug

It's always been amazing how the most antivaxx and covid deniers claim to be surrounded by people who are infected but not ill, and live in islands where there are no severe cases and no deaths. Somehow they also claim to know the diagnosis as well.

For example, various cities has recently had hundreds of deaths a day, but no antivaxx plumbers pop up to say "my old mum just died of it"
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Had covid last week mrs got it few days later several mates who we had been out with new years day also got it no one was ill with it at most like a slight head cold as we all said in a normal year you would just ignore it and put it down as a seasonal bug
You're lucky you all got the mild version and not one of the early ones. You can thank the brave vaxxers and the 150,00 that died for thinning it down for you.
I suspect most woke outrage is actually laziness. It is difficult and hard work to constantly question and investigate the world around you. Much easier for someone else to do that and not give you the option.

I suspect most antivaxxer ranting is just mad hatred drawn from their special websites. It is difficult and hard work to constantly question and investigate the world around you. Much easier for someone else to do that and not give you the option.
gasser's 5G junk is about radio interference around airports. Just a pathetic troll.

"there were discussions around the subject of "half as severe but twice as many cases would mean equal numbers of hospital admissions""
As I explained, that's a daft thing to write because it doesn't work that way and also wouldn't mean the same hospital occupancy, by a large factor. Beyond most, it seems.:rolleyes: Even though both are now obvious from the numbers.

"Doubling period" isn't a fixed property of the virus, it's just a measure of what happens if its transmission is unrestrained. You only see the worst of the infections. While there are plenty to infect, the spread is at max rate, but soon the local population starts to get exposed by more than one source so the status of many individuals doesn't change - they've either got it or the're immune. The rate of increase of contractions reduces to zero as everyone is exposed.
The area increases though, which allows exposure to new uninfected people. The rate of contraction then depends on how people move, and how many geographic sources of the infection there were (around the country at the same time).

I suspect I've had it because I recognised the symptoms over a few days, but never got a +ve from an LFT. If that's similar for half the population by now then the measured case numbers would be decreasing, because I/we are immune.

I keep on about South Africa but they found the same, relatively, with most of the serious cases in unvaccinated or immune-weakened.

It's not entirely reasonable to dismiss it as just like a bit of flu, because of the number we have in hospital - half what we had with delta, although a remarkably bad flu could do similar:

It seems to me that the vaccine has made a significant difference, but OTOH there's no report yet of many serious omicron casualties in unvaccinated countries.
An intelligent, rational scientific type person was trying to say to me that using lockdowns and vaccines extended the period of the pandemic, and that it would all have been over if we'd had no lockdowns and no vaccines.

Still pondering that. We would have had more deaths for sure, and hospitals closed. Would it have been shorter though? I guess so, but so what? Omicron came from an unvaccinated population so we'd have had that with more serious cases.
I suspect most woke outrage is actually laziness. It is difficult and hard work to constantly question and investigate the world around you. Much easier for someone else to do that and not give you the option.
Too easy for the dregs of society to see some bit of info (like 5G radio, above...) and gob it off because it draws attention to them.
there were discussions around the subject of "half as severe but twice as many cases would mean equal numbers of hospital admissions"
At the same time, the 'less severe cases' argument ignores the risk of variants.
The more cases there are, the greater the risk of a different variant emerging.
It only needs a variant that can bypass the vaccine, or natural immunity and we're all back to square one. So it's rather irresponsible to argue that this variant is less severe so can be considered less dangerous. (yes, I know you were not making that argument).
You're lucky you all got the mild version and not one of the early ones. You can thank the brave vaxxers and the 150,00 that died for thinning it down for you.
And how do you or i know if i didnt have one of the early ones like omicron the vast majority of people had no symptoms whatsover
It's always been amazing how the most antivaxx and covid deniers claim to be surrounded by people who are infected but not ill, and live in islands where there are no severe cases and no deaths. Somehow they also claim to know the diagnosis as well.

For example, various cities has recently had hundreds of deaths a day, but no antivaxx plumbers pop up to say "my old mum just died of it"
Really so you have missed the fact from day one the vast majority of people with whatever variant did not show any symptoms .
So would you like to give us the details of these UK cities suffering hundreds of deaths a day ?
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