
I don't believe it's been as bad as the papers and doctors made out just before Xmas... But is this because plenty of people panicked and took the necessary precautions?

Seems to all have been forgotten now, had a call from work yesterday that they are now going against government advise and everyone is now to be back in the office permanently as they don't see a need to work from home...

Should have listened to the reports from Africa that this variant was very mild and not to panic.

It's now being reported that common cold t cells provide some protection against covid..
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I don't believe it's been as bad as the papers and doctors made out just before Xmas

That's interesting, what do you believe the correct figures to be, and how did you calculate them?
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Should have listened to the reports from Africa that this variant was very mild and not to panic.
That’s the trouble with this little country . We think we’re better than anyone else.
That's interesting, what do you believe the correct figures to be, and how did you calculate them?
I’m sure sx’s fugures would be more accurate than you’ve been led to beiieve by the government.
Because you are an intelligent person and can work it out for yourself.
you really havent got a clue why the roll out has been suspended have you , you have just knee jerked reacted
Don't dare suggest the modelers were wrong or Denso will be on to you.

I'd be the first to admit people get things wrong. I don't think it is a hoax though, or orchestrated by Bill gates and politicians across the world.
That's interesting, what do you believe the correct figures to be, and how did you calculate them?

sorry this wasn't clear,

it appears that omicron hasn't been as bad as the press made out it was, according to them we were all going to die, hospitals would be over run, etc etc, however if one was to read between the lines and read the early reports, it was evident from the start that although transmission was vastly higher (though this could have been attributed tot he time of year maybe?) hospitalisations and deaths would be far less than original mk1 & 2 covid, it was also clearly evident that the modelling done prior to xmas was based on absolute worst case scenario and did not take into account the early reports made on the virus.

there appears to be very little hard evidence of totals of omicron specific deaths, and hospitalisations from what i have seen by googling.

However the BMJ says "Hospital admission 50-70% less likely with omicron than delta, but transmission a major concern"

more evidence advising that omicron hasn't been as bad as was initially stated, this from back just before xmas. is based,28 days of catching Omicron.

please note, i'm not an anti-vaxxer, and i'm not one who believes covid is just the flu, i do however look at things pragmatically and with a degree of common sense, i believe by having the vaccines, and booster jabs, and stick to social distancing where appropriate and wear masks in public spaces i'm going to be just fine, and countless other millions will be aswell.

The measure implemented by the government were absolutely the right call to have been made, and had we listened to the scientists of doom, we'd have all been locked down for something that could have been manageable.
please note, i'm not an anti-vaxxer,

This genuinely really annoys me that one has to say this in a discussion about Covid.
There is so much wrong with it, on so many different levels, it makes me wince.

The idiots who peddle this notion and use the label to negate opinion have not the wit to understand what they mean or what they do when they use it.
This genuinely really annoys me that one has to say this in a discussion about Covid.
There is so much wrong with it, on so many different levels, it makes me wince.

The idiots who peddle this notion and use the label to negate opinion have not the wit to understand what they mean or what they do when they use it.

the way society is these days i'm afraid.

everything has to be polarising,

daily wailer

are all used to instantly shutdown debate and different thought.

its a bad time for society, and i hope it changes quickly...

personally i blame the parents of the past, and there little ones now grown up into idiots...
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