
I agree with the quality of produce often being better from farm shops etc etc, I also in principle believe in box schemes, however, invetigating them further uncovered a few surprises. We have box schemes around here, however, non of the produce is grown locally, as there are no growers in my county, I'd imaging the same is true of other counties.

The produce is sourced natationally, put into a box, and delivered, chances are it may well have covered as many "food miles" as supermarket food.

Box schemes often offer out of season goods, how come? Because the consumer wants that. Where do they get it from? Any "selected" quality source, this again could be anywhere. So box schemes nice idea in principle, just be a bit careful about what you are really getting.

Unfortunately the way we buy and produce our food won't substantially change until or unless there is a change in consumer expectations and demands. Simple fact of the matter is that most people in this country are not prepared to spend much on what they eat. As a percentage of income, the amount spent on food as plummeted in the last 30 years, it is difficult to persuade people to give up their skiing holiday just for better locally grown food.
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Eddie M said:
The produce is sourced natationally, put into a box, and delivered, chances are it may well have covered as many "food miles" as supermarket food.

I thought a lot of supermarket food was imported?
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make no mistake about it. supermarkets are drip feeding us chemicals and hormones via their immaculately presented "food" on a regular basis.
no wonder a lot of couples are infertile.
securespark said:
Mrs Secure has been increasingly upset about Tesco and their increase of own labels. I thought it was unfounded, but went shopping tonight to find fewer branded goods than ever on their shelves.

Those that were there were highly priced, by comparison. For example, I looked a tomato puree. There was tesco, 28p for (I think) 300g's, or Heinz, 62p for less weight.

I am seriously considering changing my shopping habits. Tesco's philosophy of "every little helps" is backfiring, because instead of shopping there and thinking "This is great! And everything is so much cheaper...", all I want to do is run back to my local/specialist stores. I will end up paying more, but so what?

Does anybody else feel the same?

Now this is boring you penny pinching miser
I know a lot of people are against the likes of Tesco but they do keep a lot of people in work
kendor said:
I know a lot of people are against the likes of Tesco but they do keep a lot of people in work

Er fällt immer mit der Tür ins Häuschen.

Im barred from many around my way the tescos express shops for asking to see the manager about why their prices are 10p /20p than the big tescos stores ...
an they just bar you if you dare to ask ......
nicely an sober ,I might add.... WHY ???? ,hmm ....

I even had a thing on my local radio about it Manchester 97.7 FM ,

where they Tesco came on an tried to say they need to recuperate the cost of buying out all the indie shops to open express shops :( :(

so killing competition is why we pay etc ,lol :( ...lol
what poppycock ..lol
they the general public EXPECT to pay higher prices ..lol..lol

what PR bull sh*t that is ,

ask the 100000s of radio listeners who agreed with my comments that afternoon ,

but as Tescos KILL the competition an ensure they are market leaders what do the masses do , question like me an be banned ... or just shut up an pay up ... dont be so naive ....:)

btw dont you think you should be jumping the sinking ship youre on an get with the Tesco bullsh*t company ...

co-op , I ask you ....an why no green shield stamps now they used to get us all many of stuff in my day ..lol
Moz, we aint a sinking ship. i have said it before, once OFT get their acts together and arses in gear, tesco will be doomed. DOOMED!

Green sheild stamps?????? What ARE you on about??? :eek:
Green sheild stamps

how do I know you aint being sarcastic now ,lol

THATS whats kept you in fancy trainers,

an snakebites for you an your goth mates ,

an "Corrie st" Roisey type g/f
..not a schoolie of course ..lol

but cute one all the same for a goth chick/girlfriend ..lol ;) :) ..:)
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