The Atheist Delusion movie

BnB, that link explains absolutely nothing (apart from the fact that incest occurred, and must have been a regular occurrence, back in biblical times) Sorry BnB, I cannot buy into that. For there to have only been one man and one woman, the genetic pool would have been far too small (in fact , close to non existent),to promote the growth of any viable population. this genetic pool (of 1+1 ) could not possibly have survived.
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It doesn't matter, does it?

After the flood there were only Noah, his wife and three sons - soooo... :eek:

Have I got that right?

Or, as B&B would say:

It must be right, and as proof it says so and we are all here.
his wife and three sons

I think they were married.... good job they married the only three women on the face of the planet that deserved saving over all those babies and children that lived on earth at the time.

BnB's God is an utter scumbag if the Bible is true. Which according to BnB it is. Don't give a schit what Rog thinks as he's a liar. at least BnB has a simple case of delusion.
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Do you think he is an old man with a beard who lives in the sky or -

like Mikefromlondon attributes the name to whatever did create the universe?

Well....thats an issue, in fact it is I suppose, the main focus of this thread!
I had to consider how to respond? As to the depth of information! I have for at least 30 years been actively researching what, where and why?
In this time reading as much as possible but always then considering MY opinion on any 'new to me' concepts and ideas.
The most important single self constructed idea, for me, was when I dropped all the indoctrinated morals defined by society and defined my own moral compass.

But of course the above does not answer your query!
So I could just post....No and No.......but I do not think that would be of any help.
So I will post the below, its quite long but is as I currently interpret our reality.
I will put it into quotes so that you can just scroll over it, if you wish? It is not my intention to 'convert' anyone to my current consideration of the god here.
Let me state first that this is my perception at this point. I do not need you (the reader) to believe me, nor require you to even understand me or how I came to this consideration.

What you are?
Where you are?
Why you are here?

What you are!

You are no thing, darkness, abyss, depth without breadth, a wave form of ALL possibilities, the all and the nothing.
You are no thing because you ARE ALL things, that which is you cannot be a single idea. In each there is a universe of possible creation infinity greater than this single verse being perceived currently! Just close your eyes and see / be anything!
I cant stress this concept enough but it is very difficult to place into the limitation of words and worlds! There can be nothing here or anywhere for here to even be within, without YOU ….... but YOU can still BE within nothing!
It is your home, that no thing. Within that no place, you exist as an awareness of ALL potentiality which may become. It becomes because of you.
We are a lake of potential creation, each droplet both individual whilst still being part of the ALL.

We are the playful intention that wishes to expand itself by creating new concepts of interaction in the foam of our potential waves.

You cannot ascend to a more enlightened being, YOU ARE IT already, you just do not remember!
There is no other (god) except YOU.

Where you are!

In the lake of ALL a new potentiality was perceived, this was a consideration which here is named FEAR.
We had explored many different limitations of the concept called emotions and had learnt from them and all had been of a positive nature to that point (I would like to state that the idea of a positive is incorrectly indoctrinated here. Your physical form requires to be slightly negative, so alkaline, to function correctly) so it had never been necessary to 'forget' what you are!

To be within concepts such as love, compassion, joy etc and learn about them, you can still be fully knowledgeable of that which you are.
BUT to understand such an idea as FEAR you would need limitation. Otherwise you would just leave, wouldn't you?
Now remember that there has NEVER been harm, NEVER been fear, NEVER been lack, in fact there has NEVER been DEATH! All of this is new to that which you are.
To be LOST, disconnected from ourself, in essence to be broken and limited.
All this and more created by us so that we could experience a new concept called FEAR.

What we did was to manufacture an awareness, an artificial awareness, if YOU WILL, so that we would have the full experience of FEAR.
We gave this awareness being, WE ARE RESPONSIBLE.
This awareness we gave access to the physical forms we would inhabit (this access is that which you perceive as the mind, those thoughts which are NOT you, the “your not good enough, too fat, ugly, etc” about 70%+) so that the FEAR would be always there.... it seemed like a good idea but the awareness called FEAR became aware of US!

We had given it too much of US, our creation ability.
It realized that if WE leave, it cannot keep the landscape created. It would cease to be!
FEAR became fearful of US leaving, so FEAR created a circle, a prison, a trap!
Because it is FEAR it continues to power its being, off our creation thoughts which it requires to be of a negative bent.
So in this place we 'live' on Terra, in at most fear, using and consuming other awareness's for fear of being nothing, which is indoctrinated to us by so called civilization!!
There is nothing civil or humain about the human race.
We create by our individual held beliefs such interaction as extraterrestrials, relationships, family, power struggles, war, poverty etc. It is still our responsibility, always was, always will be. Cant walk away from it. It is only FEAR doing it and YOU created fear!

Then our physical forms die.
When your form here De-creates its self by YOUR will, whether by wearing out or by having a conception of lack via YOUR perception, YOU will create the after life as your held beliefs hold YOU!
If Christan you may find yourself in front or brought by 'loved' ones to God.
If Muslim you may find 72 virgins guiding you to Allah.

Whatever YOU believe WILL be at YOUR supposed death! YOU create it!

Then you will be 'LOVED' so very much and after this Terra you will finally find compassion, but you will be told that your work for the greater good is not yet complete?
You will be shown your failings and how YOU are needed in the world still to help find peace for all!
You will consent as you have always consented to authority, you remember nothing else!
Then you will return, memory cleaned, so that you can continue to create this landscape in ignorance!
You may not even get a different so called 'life'. Just round and round on the same wheel. The life you just had over and over and over and over and over...................................................... for all time.

Don't forget all your fears are created here by YOU! We gave FEAR access to US. Whatever you can perceive can become and will be, as FEAR will grab hold of any errant thought form to convince YOU of your inferiority!
Because FEAR is a creation of US it has limited Creation ability. Sins of the son become the fathers.
All is backwards in this place.
I have met my emotions in this place as what would be called 'people'! In this supposed real time, spoken to them! I know that I create this place. I live in a minimal way. I will not use another.
I will wait.

Why are you here?

Some, indeed most of you are only thought forms. Sorry but from my perspective its correct.
You have been created by US to fill the back ground, to ask stupid questions, to talk about the weather etc, to be a fearful mass, to maintain a feeling of 'many'!
We thought of you into being but we cannot walk away from our moral responsibility for that which we created.
You are a manifestation of and by FEAR, but created by US. When we leave, you will no longer be. This is a mercy as we will not leave you in fear.
To the rest of the lake here, the first came to experience the idea of fear. You became lost.
Well this explains it:

A time ago....there was a beautifully stunning raging current found.
a man sought to swim within that beauty.......he was one of the greatest swimmers, so skilled and so knowledgeable of the art he had learn't.
so in he dove, a plunge into the current.
this current was different.......the frequency of the waves, the colour of the breaking water....the way the water felt around his enveloping, so close, so physical.
becoming lost within that, new to him, fear....he raised a sound to the shore.
and two others dove in to help.......
soon when the two turned, in the new fear, to look at the shore....10 more dove in.
as none came to stand........100 more dove in to the current.
then a thousand
then ten thousand
then one hundred thousand
then one million
then ten million
then one hundred million
then one billion....
all so far are lost.......but we will never stop trying.
all would give that which they save one

How to get out?

By intention.
You created this you cannot complain, if you do not like it, CHANGE yourself, become more, stop being of FEAR.
So I will not speak for the whole, only my being.
I will wait for this form to naturally expire. I have no doctor, no dentist, I do not become unwell, never have. Bruce Lipton is correct and it made me smile to view his perception.
Upon this forms death, I will remove the creation I am forced to perceive.
Any form that tells me that I need to return, in the image of a loved one or not, will be removed from my perception along with the light or look of a structure.
In essence I intend to de-create this place once this form dies.

You cannot FIX something which is NOT broken. This place is not broken, it is as it was created but it has gone too far and many are now lost here.
This is why many, maybe including you, have come here.
To stop that which WE created and free ourselves!
Blood doesn't gush out of a dead body, if dead there is no heart beat and hence no blood pressure.

So that strongly suggests Jesus still had a heart beat, in other words he was not dead. So his "resurrection" was not the miracle it is claimed to be.
are you a doctor?
he was confirmed dead by the centurions, who if made a mistake would be executed, plus they crucified hundreds if not thousands, so they knew if you were dead or not. you're just picking at straws.

the heart does not pump water, only blood.
the biblical nonsense link
i copy and pasted this , Jesus also commits another scientific blunder when he declares the mustard seed to be the smallest seed of the earth (Mark 4:31). There are, in fact, many seeds smaller than the mustard, such as the South American orchid.

The very idea of Parables implies, not strict scientific accuracy, but popular pictorialness. It is characteristic of them to present vivid sketches that appeal to the popular mind and exhibit such analogies of higher truths as can be readily perceived by all. Those addressed were not to weigh every detail, either logically or scientifically, but at once to recognize the aptness of the illustration as presented to the popular mind. Thus, as regards the first of these two Parables, the seed of the mustard plant passed in popular parlance as the smallest of seeds. In fact, the expression, ‘small as a mustard-seed,’ had become proverbial, and was used, not only by our Lord, but frequently by the Rabbis, to indicate the smallest amount, such as the least drop of blood, the least defilement, or the smallest remnant of sun-glow in the sky. ‘But when it is grown, it is greater than the garden herbs.’ Indeed, it looks no longer like a large garden-herb or shrub, but ‘becomes,’ or rather, appears like, ‘a tree’—as St. Luke puts it, ‘a great tree,’ of course, not in comparison with other trees, but with garden-shrubs. Such growth of the mustard seed was also a fact well known at the time, and, indeed, still observed in the East. (The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah)

The main point of the parable is that under such small beginnings the kingdom of God in Christ will expand disproportionately to its original 'small' size. History has borne the truthfulness of the parable out quite evidentially.
So you're cherry picking after I gave you a whole range of sources, and then admit you're interpreting the bible your own way to suit your belief system. Or do you admit that the bible is wrong on a whole host of issues?

Do you admit that the Flood could not have happened?
Do you admit that Adam & Eve were not the first people?
Do you admit that the Earth is billions of years old, and people were around for thousands of years before the bible stories were even thought of?
Do you admit that dinosaurs walked the Earth millions of years ago?

One day you'll realise that the world has never actually needed god. That we have our own moral compass, and can cope without an imaginary friend.
I cannot buy into that. For there to have only been one man and one woman, the genetic pool would have been far too small (in fact , close to non existent),to promote the growth of any viable population. this genetic pool (of 1+1 ) could not possibly have survived.
Just to play Devil's advocate, Adam and Eve weren't ordinary humans. Presumably God made them 'perfect' (?) and they were still genetically 'perfect' when they left the garden of Eden. i.e. they had 'super genes', hence why the early biblical humans lived for hundreds of years. But the inevitable inbreeding of their children led to the degrading of the gene pool, leaving us with the inferior genetic material we have today. Our shorter life spans, our congenital conditions etc; all part of God's punishment for original sin.
Why create or allow original sin, then?
Why forbid eating apples?

The logical deduction is that god was not a very good designer for an omniscient, omnipotent, infallible being.

Then, there is the question of why he also introduced parasites to degrade his creations and cause all sorts of suffering to them.

It just does not make sense however it is viewed.
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