The Future?

One day in the future, we'll probably laugh mockingly at the thought of pumping many litres of highly flammable liquid into a missile.

Petrol fills tanks millions of times a day worldwide; the no. of issues are vanishingly small, as a proportion.

Car batteries however, far more troublesome, and extremely problematic in some circumstances.
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Petrol fills tanks millions of times a day worldwide; the no. of issues are vanishingly small, as a proportion.

Car batteries however, far more troublesome, and extremely problematic in some circumstances.
Battery powered vehicles are only just becoming popular. Petrol driven vehicles have had many decades to refine their product and it's still extremely hazardous to this day.
Petrol driven vehicles have had many decades to refine their product and it's still extremely hazardous to this day.

I don't disagree that they've had decades to get to where they are now, but disagree on your second point. They're demonstrably safe in normal (even abnormal) use, millions of times each day.

I doubt batteries will be around for decades, not for personal cars anyway.
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I couldn't give a flying feck about sustainability, at most I've got ~30 years left.
That's why we're in this shi tty mess right now.

Each successive generation has said to themselves "Well, I'll be dead in 100 years and won't GAF, so let the next generation worry about it. Meanwhile, there's fat profits to be made....'
That's why we're in this shi tty mess right now.

Each successive generation has said to themselves "Well, I'll be dead in 100 years and won't GAF, so let the next generation worry about it. Meanwhile, there's fat profits to be made....'
Governments and big business dictate overall direction and strategy. Rightly or wrongly, as one person, I'm not going to deprive myself of things like my car, or putting my heating on etc whilst entire countries still have poor environmental strategies.
Eventually the atmosphere will boil and the sun will consume us assuming a meteor doesn't get us first. As long as mankind progresses in the right direction I'm cool with eventually switching over to cleaner fuels. I don't regret not buying a model S when I was considering it. my next car will almost certainly be a Tesla, but I've been saying that for about 5 years.
Which is why batteries for cars as we currently use them will always be flawed, in my honest opinion.

Which is why I have always backed hydrogen.
There are many problems with hydrogen - too many, for the foreseeable. Cost, Nox, all sorts.
Each successive generation has said to themselves "Well, I'll be dead in 100 years and won't GAF, so let the next generation worry about it.
Only so far back. The present nihilism is due to the abandonment of Christianity.
Each successive generation has said to themselves "Well, I'll be dead in 100 years and won't GAF, so let the next generation worry about it. Meanwhile, there's fat profits to be made....'

Lucky those past generations were so selfish creating the wealth, inventing things and building the world we enjoy today with all it's many benefits. Also fighting wars against aggressors, plus defending their territory from invading undesirables. All in very difficult circumstances with very basic technology.

Those horrible, backwards ancestors - how quickly we forget!
Lucky those past generations were so selfish creating the wealth, inventing things and building the world we enjoy today with all it's many benefits. Also fighting wars against aggressors, plus defending their territory from invading undesirables. All in very difficult circumstances with very basic technology.

Those horrible, backwards ancestors - how quickly we forget!
We'll have to agree to disagree about this!
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