Today's Walk...

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For hundreds of years people have immigrated to the UK, and settled in little pockets. I've mentioned it before, but nobody blinks an eye over China town in London despite originally it being a slum area or when Little Italy was there. It's natural that people are drawn together in groups at the beginning isn't it? It's the next generation of those people and the generations after them that become as British as any other kid. Just some of them may have different colour skin or religion.

This happens with white British. I did it myself. I found a new development in
Northlakes Queensland . Known as little Britain I'm sure there are lots of little Britains around Aus. It is a comfort thing I regret now as I wouldn't go to Benidorm.
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Why did you think he was foreign, then?

I'd stop digging if I were you.

I'm not worried about digging. I know I can just keep stuum. But this is my favourite subject. So I don't.

I normaly get the Zimbabwe accent right. I'm not afraid to talk to foreigners. About anything... I obviously got this wrong. No harm he wasn't offended. We spoke about Mugabe and how much he loves England.
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No, you have mentioned IVF so I assumed you only had one -

then you wrote:

OK sorry..... Its very common that couples have a child through IVF, and the 2nd comes natural.

Also very common to have twins and triplets
The first topic of conversation running through your mind when you think of Mugabe is how much he loves England???
Mugabe was quite the anglophile before things went pear shaped, visited London frequently to shop and watch cricket, I worked in his private office in the early 90s, testing the electrics, he had an old desk light from the colonial days and had replacement bulbs sent over in the diplomatic bags. It concentrates the mind when you are doing loop tests under the gaze of a soldier toting an AK47
Mugabe was quite the anglophile before things went pear shaped, visited London frequently to shop and watch cricket, I worked in his private office in the early 90s, testing the electrics, he had an old desk light from the colonial days and had replacement bulbs sent over in the diplomatic bags. It concentrates the mind when you are doing loop tests under the gaze of a soldier toting an AK47

You say I'm overcompensating.
Did you understand my explanation why I said he was a Russian Jew.

Do you get why I mentioned the Romanian shop... Because I hate this nasty horrible scum we have put up with for years. And if I can offer a kind word of support. Then I've done my good thing for the day.

Do you know diffrent.
This time of morning there are more English or foreigners or about the same or what.
You once told me get the facts and don't comment on Somthing you know nothing about...
Harlow is overwhelming white English I never said anything remotely that it wasn't.

So am I liying about any of this.??

Migration watch. I apologise that would be the last thing I wanted to be associated with.
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