
23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"British food and drink exports to the EU fell by £2bn in the first three months of 2021, with sales of dairy products plummeting by 90%, according to an analysis of HMRC data."

“The loss of £2bn of exports to the EU is a disaster for our industry, and is a very clear indication of the scale of losses that UK manufacturers face in the longer-term due to new trade barriers with the EU,”


On the other hand...

"Trade in the other direction was also hit. UK imports from the EU of wine were down 20%, fruit 15.7% and vegetables 13.9%. Imports of cheese, chicken and beef from Ireland and elsewhere also fell."

Do the maths...

And EU countries have just adjusted who they sell their products to within the largest trading bloc in the the world...

That's the reality of the brexit madness!
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what a silly remark.

Do you think that people who report road deaths are made happy by pointing out the figures.

depends as to why they are reporting them

if it’s the told you so brigade
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Yep the remoaners are as happy as pigs in wat sit it

if they can grub up stats to show the UK in a bad light

person "50 people were killed by drunk drivers yesterday"

just pumps "bet that makes you happy"

tranny "only if it's a person who doesn't approve of avoidable road deaths"

tranny "people who disapprove of drunk drivers are as happy as pigs in sh1t"

tranny "they're only trying to show up drunk drivers in a bad light"

mottie "it should be balanced by saying something positive about drunk drivers"
Yet I still haven’t seen any shortages or increase in prices bar general inflation at my local supermarket. I’ve been saying that since Brexit but I kept getting told that it’s because goods were stockpiled since before Brexit. It’s nearly July. When do you think we'll be seeing the shortages or increased prices?
person "50 people were killed by drunk drivers yesterday"

just pumps "bet that makes you happy"

tranny "only if it's a person who doesn't approve of avoidable road deaths"
You do make me laugh how you like to bump a thread along by quoting out of context to turn a thread toxic.
person "50 people were killed by drunk drivers yesterday"

just pumps "bet that makes you happy"

tranny "only if it's a person who doesn't approve of avoidable road deaths"

more nonsense

Quote person been warning about a particular stretch of road no one takes any notice

4 people get killed in seperate accidents

said person quotes figures with the I told you so narrative ;)

johnd the remoaner about brexit happy as a pig in wat sit on any negative

with his I told you so narrative
Ball cocks

who has never been right about any thing ever

Corbyns fair weather friend
mottie "I haven't been killed by a drunk driver, so it isn't a problem. Anyone who disapproves of drunk drivers hates his country and should be deported"
JohnD "I’m a **** who has to keep making up things that I think people should say to make me look good".
mottie "I haven't been killed by a drunk driver, so it isn't a problem. Anyone who disapproves of drunk drivers hates his country and should be deported"


jd may have
medication issues :?::idea::idea:
Yet I still haven’t seen any shortages or increase in prices bar general inflation at my local supermarket. I’ve been saying that since Brexit but I kept getting told that it’s because goods were stockpiled since before Brexit. It’s nearly July. When do you think we'll be seeing the shortages or increased prices?
prices have been going up and there are shortages

anecdotal evidence always suits ones bias...funny that :ROFLMAO:
prices have been going up and there are shortages

anecdotal evidence always suits ones bias...funny that :ROFLMAO:
Indeed, but the brexiteers can't see the bleeding obvious and of course will blame everything/everyone but themselves if they ever do...

As for 'general inflation', those who enjoy wine for breakfast probably don't notice the recent price hikes when they go shopping for refills ;)
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