Trump includes NHS in trade deal.

I don't know for sure why. But cheap un-skilled labour installing crap cheap material = crap builders.

I love the NHS and don't want to criticise it but what I have seen and witnessed recently is its very disorganised.

How do you know it's cheap and unskilled labour? If it is cheap and unskilled where does the fault lie? The employers as they are the ones employing these people and if they are how are they getting away with it?

What have you witnessed?
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More straw man, why would I be interested in a video by who know who about the US healthcare system?

Because you talk crap. Provided not one iota of evidence or explanation and have been called out as what you are a troll.

"who know who" - Troll Speak for I cannot challenge the argument so will go into denial and deflect mode.
Because you talk crap. Provided not one iota of evidence or explanation and have been called out as what you are a troll.

"who know who" - Troll Speak for I cannot challenge the argument so will go into denial and deflect mode.

Another straw man argument, you really should learn what they are, but in your case every time you exaggerate and get aggressive is because you are hiding something.

And your use of the word troll is another example, anyone that disagrees with you gets insulted and called a troll, what are you frightened of?
Did not the NHS order several hundred or thousand fax machines recently ?
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Another straw man argument, you really should learn what they are, but in your case every time you exaggerate and get aggressive is because you are hiding something.

And your use of the word troll is another example, anyone that disagrees with you gets insulted and called a troll, what are you frightened of?

Provide some evidence for the crap you posted. You are a troll as you don't back up anything you say and now after being called out on it can't respond.

What am I hiding? Go on, explain it.

I am not hiding my contempt of rubbish arguments and no evidence.
My point is that they were going to replace or did replace a load of fax machines

Leave it to work out the significance

grayling dunno
How do you know it's cheap and unskilled labour? If it is cheap and unskilled where does the fault lie? The employers as they are the ones employing these people and if they are how are they getting away with it?

Your not all wrong
Harassment is unwanted behaviour that you find offensive, where the other person’s behaviour is because:

  • you have a protected characteristic
  • there is any connection with a protected characteristic (for example, you are treated as though you have a particular characteristic, even if the other person knows this isn’t true)
Unwanted behaviour could include:

  • spoken or written abuse
  • offensive emails
  • tweets or comments on websites and social media
  • images and graffiti
  • physical gestures
  • facial expressions
  • banter that is offensive to you
Anything that is unwelcome to you is unwanted. You don’t need to have previously objected to it.
Surely harassment is harassment.

It has nothing to do with protected characteristics.
I thought as much you have provided nothing. Socialist lol - you think by labelling me as such you have a coherent argument you thick dolt.

It is a straw man argument - you really are showing yourself up time and time again.
Wind your neck in you arrogant cock. You might have a point to make that's fine but cut the constant disparaging remarks, you come across like a Rees Mogg on coke. We all have differing opinions and I dare say we are all equally intelligent and skilled in varying degrees.. its called diversity which alot of you love to uphold but act in quite the opposite on the GD threads. Sort it out all of you on here who somehow think anyone who doesn't have your 'more valued' opinion is thick. Grow up.
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How do you know it's cheap and unskilled labour? If it is cheap and unskilled where does the fault lie? The employers as they are the ones employing these people and if they are how are they getting away with it?

What have you witnessed?

Apart from me. 3 others in my ward having diffrent info from diffrent docters nurses ect ect. I'm not going into detail
Yes, thanks.

The bloke next door could harass you because he is a tw@t, or

the television licence people could harass you because that is what they do.
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