University For All ??

Do you have a degree?

The whole point isn't about whether someone has a degree, it's the type of degree that they go for, and whether it is relevant today or not. I'm not sure whether a degree in outdoor adventure with philosophy, or western and chinese herbal medicine counts as relevant in helping this country to move forward, and attempt to be a force once more. Maybe I'm wrong though :)
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its simply not suitable for all.

Well said! It's the accepted thing these days that young people must go to university whether or not they have the ability to knuckle down and do some real studying. The trouble is many of them aren't capable but they are catered for by being provided with Mickey Mouse courses which award worthless degrees.

If they did but know it, many young people would be much better off getting into their chosen field straight from school and getting some experience. Amongst our friends' families, there are two young people both interested in graphic design. One went into it straight from school with some day release study, the other followed a course at university. The one has four years experience whilst the other is still trying to get a job.
Well said Johndug. I know another example of two young men. One went to university, and after doing a few things ended up with a low grade I.T. job. The other went straight into industry and now has a much higher grade of I.T. job and is earning twice as much.
Don't forget the glass ceiling. Just because they are ahead at the moment doesn't mean they will always be so.
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As a perspective....

Im educated in the fact I have 8 gcse's and 2 'a' levels. My 'a' levels are in maths and physics. (Grade A & E respectively).

I didnt go to university, and my eldest didnt either. She is now progressing well in tourism in the fact she manages shops. She earns 28 grand a year (at 21) because she started at 16 and has worked her way up.
Im an RGI and earn a fair bit more but my eduaction has had no bearing on my success. When my friends went off to uni, I got a trade and worked hard at building a business when I had 10 years experience working with a decent company.

Uni is a waste of time nowadays, just like my a levels.

Mr. W.
How do you know if you never went? Is a higher education ever wasted time?

Why did you bother going to school at all?

If you left school today what makes you think the doors that were open to you then would be open now?
How do you know if you never went? Is a higher education ever wasted time?

Why did you bother going to school at all?

If you left school today what makes you think the doors that were open to you then would be open now?

In answer to your points...

Firstly, I dont, but I earn more than every person I know who went to Uni. I have a lovely house and a comfortable living.

Secondly, its the law. My parents are law abiding people so I went.

Thirdly, becuase my son has found an electrical apprentiship by putting together a CV and turned up for his interview wearing a suit and appearing on time.

Mr. W.
Is a higher education ever wasted time?

Not if it's genuinely higher education. The point is, that what some young people do in university today, would never qualify as higher eduction as original intended.

Yes, many are wasting their time now. What they do will get them nowhere, certainly not where they think it should. I'm afraid that too many are being misled and will end up disillusioned.
I thought he said he had an ignition fault.
Most people who go for a degree do so because they think it will lead to a higher paid job with no heavy lifting. They are investing in a 'tool' to obtain this life, like a tradesman will invest in quality tools to work with. If they want the better life then they will have to pay for it. Some people won't beable to afford the fees and their talents will be wasted, this is called life, its not a feather bedded ride, there will be disappointments and things you can't have, get used to it.
Mr Blair is responsible with his 50% higher education mirage, just a way of keeping youngsters off the dole figures.
We need proper vocational training with proper technical colleges like they have in Germany which produce qualified skilled tradespersons, who because they get their hands dirty aren't treated like 2nd class citizens, which is unfortunately still the ethos in this country.
We need proper vocational training with proper technical colleges like they have in Germany which produce qualified skilled tradespersons, .

You could also have said "LIKE WE USED TO HAVE". I'm old enough to remember when Secondary schools did subjects like Needlework and Cookery and Woodwork and Metalwork. Not every boy or girl can shine at academic work but many like using their hands. It was a sad day when they took the decision to remove these subjects from the curriculum. No wonder there are so many troublemakers in schools these days.
Didn't know they'd been removed. That's crazy.
Its now embraced under the wide aspect of 'Technology', where the old specialisms are 'supposed' to be dealt with under a different banner.
Thats one of the reasons I chucked my job in - I'm not in to deskilling my pupils just to appease the Ofsted goalposts.
John :)
You have to understand that the purpose of school (and to some extent university) in recent years is not to give people a good education but to try to prove that everyone is equal.

Everyone is equally important, but that is not the same as saying that they have equal abilities.

What people don't seem to realise (or more likely know but choose to ignore) is that when everyone has prizes, no-one has a prize worth having.

Good technical education would be a great advantage for this country but the socialists won't allow it. Everyone has to study the same curriculum to further this idea of equality.
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