Useless Police...

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I was in a supermarket car park today. There were young scrotes messing around with an 'alf-inched moped.

So I rang the fuzz. First, it rings for 3m 57s. Then finally it gets answered.

Me: Can you check an index on the register to see if the vehicle I have spotted is stolen?

Police: Can I have your name?

M: Gives name. Can you check?

P: Can I have your phone number?

M: Gives number. Can you check? If you don't hurry, they will have disappeared...

P: Can I have the location?

M: Gives location. Hurry up, please!

P: Is that the X supermarket in A, B or C location?

M: C. They'll be gone by the time you get here.

P: Can I take the index?

M: Gives index.

P: Right I'll send a car out.

Ten minutes later a patrol ambles round the car park. No sign of bike or scrotes. Surprise, surprise.

Next - ring on phone. Hello, this is GMP here. We can't find the bike or the lads. Are you sure they were here?


Why the f*** didn't they check the index first, then send out a car, then take the other details at leisure?

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have to admit i got a kinda good response from the police yesterday. sum1 had took the cover off a street light and some lil kids were playin with the 'guts' its an old type isolator falling apart. phoned the police station with lamp number etc etc. looked out 30 mins l8r and there was a cover on!
securespark said:
Why the f*** didn't they check the index first, then send out a car, then take the other details at leisure?


too much hassle
Did you ring on the 9s?
i have to say call centres were the worst thing they ever introduced when i was in the police. They used to be staffed by police who knew what they were doing and could get the ball rolling while you were speaking to them. Now its civilians who have no idea. 3m 57 secs is crap, but thats the call centre system for you.

Having said all that there is some logic in the details they take.

If they dont get your name, location and telephone number, then they cant know where to send the car, and get back to you if they need any further details. You dont need to know wether its stolen, youve reported the suspicious activity.

Now take it one step further, you phone up, witness the crime and give no details, how do they get back to you to get any further information or a witness statement. You said yourself they asked which store so they need to tie down the location to send the car. After all you wouldnt want them to send 3 different cars to 3 different locations on blue lights would you?
Thermo said:
Did you ring on the 9s?
i have to say call centres were the worst thing they ever introduced when i was in the police. They used to be staffed by police who knew what they were doing and could get the ball rolling while you were speaking to them. Now its civilians who have no idea. 3m 57 secs is rubbish, but thats the call centre system for you.

Having said all that there is some logic in the details they take.

If they dont get your name, location and telephone number, then they cant know where to send the car, and get back to you if they need any further details. You dont need to know wether its stolen, youve reported the suspicious activity.

Now take it one step further, you phone up, witness the crime and give no details, how do they get back to you to get any further information or a witness statement. You said yourself they asked which store so they need to tie down the location to send the car. After all you wouldnt want them to send 3 different cars to 3 different locations on blue lights would you?
they could send car to location then ask personal details
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how about a car being broken into exactly opposite the house
and you are watching them while on the phone
whats the index ?
how do i know i am looking at the side of it
name ,adress etc , nuts all the calls are logged

TBF they actually caught the toerags , but cant help feeling it was more good luck than planning
They're not all bad, to be fair. I work away and one night the house alarm went off. My missus headed of downstairs with a Maglite to give someone a smack but it turned out the scrotes had broken into the shed, which was connected to the house alarm. Any road up, she called the Bill who were round in four minutes followed two minutes later by a dog van. Sadly, the scumbags had it away over the golf course and back into ghetto land. At least they didn't get away with anything. ;) ;)
until they get the details they wont, its a way of verifying the location and ensuring its not a hoax call. I know of several accidents that occured due to police cars being sent to jobs that were false calls. But then again they shouldnt be exceeding the speed limit should they!
Sadly it is a sight easier not to do anything .. sign of the times.

Eventually there will be no law for the 'man in the street' ... Only if the media are involved... Island too small - too many people paying for services but not actually recognised as customers.

Oz I am still coming, just a few more years !! 20 million people is more manageable .. and most wanna be there, not just for the hand outs !!
:cool: :cool: :eek:
the police are a waste of space,,, they arrest you when they feel like it but never bother turning up for 2 hours when you need them, (or is that just here)? :confused: :confused: :confused:
they would rather make their money from speeding fines where they dont have to get off their arse to catch speeders
kimplumb said:
the police are a waste of space,,, they arrest you when they feel like it but never bother turning up for 2 hours when you need them, (or is that just here)? :confused: :confused: :confused:
No, it's here too, I have another story to tell but I'll save it until tomorrow, then I'll post it in a new topic and link to it here...
andrew2022 said:
have to admit i got a kinda good response from the police yesterday. sum1 had took the cover off a street light and some lil kids were playin with the 'guts' its an old type isolator falling apart. phoned the police station with lamp number etc etc. looked out 30 mins l8r and there was a cover on!

so do you suppose the police turned up with theire blues and twos on to fix it?

all they did was call the council which YOU could and should have done rather than waste the time of the police.
One time I witnessed an accident, stayed behind to relay the details to the police. I was asked to produce my licence and vehicle MOT cert at the nearest police station. Next time I see an accident I will have seen nothing.

On another occasion, traffic backing up from the traffic lights with all cars turning right. Inside lane is a bus lane clear all the way to the traffic lights. I was going left. Rather than wait for three light changes before I could make my turn, I went into the bust lane indending to get to the lights, to be stopped by a Panda (in the bus lane, causing an obstruction to buses). The obenfurer booked me.

While he was reading the riot act, a passer by knocked on the window to say there were kids nearby who were chucking stones at passing cars. Did he chase the kids? I bet the guy is still waiting for the Panda (after he dealt with the soft target instead of going after the criminals).

I have more respect of the elderly bobby who is now tending his garden.
funny isnt it how every one who is whinging on here about it, appears to have fallen foul of the police, yet when something goes wrong you still pick up the bloody phone to them.

yes there are some who are crap, and unfortunatley because of the way the forces are run, because of the impositions of this government there priorities are screwed because of whats forced on them.

But its easy to criticise when you stand on one side of the fence. I did the job for 12 years, i treated people decently and lost count of the amount of times a well known criminal would sshake my hand for the way i dealt wih them, or a motorist who was completley out of order would say thnk you for the way i dealt with them.

You pay tuppence happeny for your policing, and you expect everything from them. I personally have little respect for those in charge making the rules and startergies, but the utmost respect for those on the ground, dealing with all the **** they have to. Try standing there picking up the pieces from a fatal road crash, or being involved with a fight and then ten minutes later having to have a compassionate face on to tell someone there wife has died. I get a bit ****ed off with people knocking down those on the frontline in public ervices when they havnt seen it from the other side. Knock the hierarchy but not those below.
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