Vasectomy II

Good luck to blokeys who are having this done. Wish my man would but having read that rather sca... I mean informative post earlier in the thread I don't blame him for being reluctant!! :eek:
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OK so the deed is done. The doc gave me an anaesthetic in my left spud then proceded to perform the op. When I made a sound like you would when someone was driving a knife through your balls he said, and I quote "I think we need a little more local". NO SH IT SHERLOCK!!!!!!!
I said, "just give me the same total amount of anaesthetic that you gave my left one to the right one." The next jab hurt like a bastard, but at least the rest was pain free.
Glad it's over with now.
Currently on painkillers and Stella. Oh and they gave me a nice jockstrap number - balls in a sling and the winky poking out of a hole in the front of said jockstrap.

The worst bit is that I shaved the area a bit too much last night and the shaving rash has been killing me all day.

If my semen tests come back saying that it hasn't worked I'm gonna send the missus in to get herself done. A bloke shouldn't have to go through this twice. ;)
but you have to wait 1 weeks before you can find out.

I am still waiting for confirmation on mine :cry:
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to be honest, they didnt ache at all, itcy a bit, but no ache, even now occasion itch where scar is
No, the needle doesn't go into the testicle - just into the scro tum.
Having read the info on that link you provided - that sounds like the same procedure that I had. Just a small cut on either side. I have a couple of stitches in each though.
The part that hurt on the left one was when he stuck the hook thing into the scro tum to pull out the vas. Just tell the doc that you have a low pain threshold and that he should give you plenty of local.

Not too bad this morning - sat at my desk in a slightly reclined sitting position feeling like a dog that's just been kicked.
I can recommend sleeping with a cushion in between your knees though - that way you won't squeeze your nuts with your legs while you sleeep.

edit: what's wrong with the word s c r o t u m mods? Why should that be banned? :rolleyes:
Mod 3, This is the result of an "auto censor", nothing to do with the mods :D
gcol said:
No, the needle doesn't go into the testicle - just into the scro tum.
Having read the info on that link you provided - that sounds like the same procedure that I had. Just a small cut on either side. I have a couple of stitches in each though.
The part that hurt on the left one was when he stuck the hook thing into the scro tum to pull out the vas. Just tell the doc that you have a low pain threshold and that he should give you plenty of local.

Not too bad this morning - sat at my desk in a slightly reclined sitting position feeling like a dog that's just been kicked.
I can recommend sleeping with a cushion in between your knees though - that way you won't squeeze your nuts with your legs while you sleeep.

edit: what's wrong with the word s c r o t u m mods? Why should that be banned? :rolleyes:
Mod 3, This is the result of an "auto censor", nothing to do with the mods :D

Well why has it been added to the auto sensor then? What's so bad or offensive about it?
Mod 3, your question needs to go to [email protected]
gcol said:
gcol said:
Well why has it been added to the auto sensor then? What's so bad or offensive about it?

i've tried to think of some thing nice about a scrote, but can't.

just asked the wife?

nope, she can only say it's saggy, ugly and a little hairy. :eek:
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