Vasectomy II

I was going to say - I'm like that most of the time, and Mrs Secure puts up with me... :D
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Just an update.
Just cut the "dissolving stitches" out myself. They're supposed to drop out after 7-10 days - it's been 15 days, I shower twice a day, and I can safely say that the dissolving stitches show absolutely no sign of dissolving. What all that about?
mine took about 3 weeks, they acctualy said if they dont i should see my nurse at the gp's, no thanks.

mind you you stil have "the best bit" to come
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yes, well sort of.

2 things

being manly you think you can fill it, (oh no you cant)

when you take it to the place, a lady answers and you have to think what to say that you have. I was so embarssed i said i have recently had the snip, and i have brought in a sample to be checked.

mind you the good bit is getting your other half to "give you a hand" to get the sample in the first place

I am still waiting for the results though :cry:
I had the same problem with my stitches actually - ended up with tweezers and nail scissors doing it myself.
gcol said:
Just an update.
Just cut the "dissolving stitches" out myself. They're supposed to drop out after 7-10 days - it's been 15 days, I shower twice a day, and I can safely say that the dissolving stitches show absolutely no sign of dissolving. What all that about?

Friction melted mine away :D :D :D

And it wasn't from collecting the samples :cool: :cool: :cool:
hehehehe youy'll love this

My bos had it done (twice) some years ago. He had it done under local ansthetic so he's basically awake, he was shaved and cut open but the doctor couldn't find the tubes, after about 20 minutes of searching he said he'll have to rebook him in as he's unable to loacte his tubes.

Some time later he went back in had the same procedure done, a success this time, stiched up and was back home. He had a few days off and went back to work, he was a sales guy working in London - lots of walking sweaty balls!

He spoke to a friend and they said have a hot bath and let your balls float, which he did felt much better. Next morning woke up and found loads of blood in the bed, the hot bath had disolved the stiches and basically his balls had burst open - off to A&E

He has told me this story a number of times and made me feel quite sick by going into detail he laughs now but not at the time and I think has put me off the idea full stop, no way!

Good luck
FFS when are you lot going to get tired of posting unspeakably gauche stories involving testicles, scalpels, stitches and blood? :eek:
Just got my appointment in the post (19th Jan), and this info was in the envelope:

I was shocked to read this, too:

For the next week try to avoid heavy lifting and avoid sex (both with your partner and with yourself !!) because if sperm leaks out of the cut end of the vas it can predispose to the development of painful nodules which can possibly cause the vas to reunite. A semen count is required at 4 months post operation. Some patients take longer to clear, and it can take up to 1 year especially the over 40s.

I'm 40. If I have to wait a year, I'll bust my n*ts!!
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