Vasectomy II

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Remember posting here a while ago about vasectomy, but cannot find it now.

I'm finally taking the plunge, but am looking for reassurance about the procedure.

One guy I know had a local in his penis, which I want to avoid. Others I spoke to had the injection in their scrotum.

Is anybody brave enough to share their experiences once more?
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FFS. An adult discussion using grown-up words gets censored.

Jesus H Christ.

Because it is crucial to the post, the words were p*nis and s*rotum.
Cheers, sime, but that wasn't the post I had in mind. It was a thread I started ages ago.

Apologies, though. If I had known about that one, I wouldn't have started this.
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what do you want to know (from a personal experiance, not medical)
Well, the usual. Where was the needle, did it hurt how was recovery? Etc...

Mrs Secure says she had 3 kids (equivalent of crapping three melons out of your ringpiece), so I can put up with a little prick...Well, she has to!! :LOL:
if you read the other post its mostly in there.

needle (i didnt mention that bit) goes in the scr*tum, doesn't hurt, but as its a needle you think it will but it doesnt

oh it goes in twice, once each side

as soon as one side is injected he goes to the first side with a scalpal, and slice, Have you ever seen a red pickled onion?

no only joking (about the onion) its a slice and a snip and a couple of dissolvable stitches (mine were blue)
then same on the other side

but as i said in other post yopu prorbaly will not remeber even though you can watch you will go home and and sleep (do go home and sleep)

when you wake up dont panic, that lump you feel is cotton wool, i had a pad of the stuff on either side to protect the stitches

did your consultantant / surgeon not tell you anything, i even got a printed drawing of what they do

things you should do.

shave every where (not your face) you dont wnat to make another apointment becuse you never shaved in the right places.

wear vey tight underwear this gives you support after the op

get your mrs to take you home, dont you drive

take 2 days holiday to be on the safe side

have a bath as often as you like to make stitches dissolve assuming you have disolveable sticthes) but wait at least 48 hours for your first bath (shower is ok )

the worst bit is testing to see if it worked, you have to give a sample

well actualyy its two samples 3 weeks apart

they give you 2 small jars that you have to "fill"

then you take to hospital and hand them in, for me that was worse than the op, and i have to take my 2nd sample in this coming monday (no punn intened)

the sample has to be at the hospital within 3 hours of it being collected fresh (if you see what i mean)

aparently they used to send you into a room with some "reading material"

but now you have to do it at home

but look on the bright side,

on sample day, you can be late for work becuse you had to ..........
breezers account matches my experiences to the letter.

Wife is a hair dresser so I made her do the shaving!!!

I had mine done last thing on a Friday so back to work Monday (self employed time = money) - have to sit down all day which would have been made a tiny bit easier with a softer chair!!

Injection doesn't hurt - as I said elsewhere only real sensation was a slight tugging - in the pit of the stomach it felt like.

Only off putting bit was Dr stopping in between to answer his mobile!!

Agree with the sample bit - looked a bit sad in the jar - told the mrs I was gonna have to do 3 or 4 in each one just to look extra manly!!
chilluk said:
...Wife is a hair dresser so I made her do the shaving!!!

Very wise, couldn't she have given you a hand with the other work too?
Nice one, thanks guys! See my post in the other thread about NSV...
The after effects can range from very mild to pretty uncomfortable, I can't tell you what it feels like I was unconscious for mine but then I was having other work done at the time.
Eddie M said:
I can't tell you what it feels like I was unconscious for mine but then I was having other work done at the time.

I hope it was all done by a reputable plumber, not some diy cowboy.
Yeah, bit of general maintenence in the lower half of my body. :eek:
Eddie M
I hope those who did the general maintenence for you were not door knockers , paddy an his mate who were there doing business in your street , lol
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