Vegan Cheese

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
The dairy industry are getting their knickers in a twist about vegan cheeses describing themselves as cheese.


Quorn make something called Chicken Nuggets, when the ingredients have never even looked at a chicken.

Easter and Creme eggs are made out of chocolate and confectionery.

There is even a cheese egg now!
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Methinks I have made a booboo.
Could someone move it please, to GD?

The dairy industry are getting their knickers in a twist about vegan cheeses describing themselves as cheese.
Because it's not ???

Quorn make something called Chicken Nuggets, when the ingredients have never even looked at a chicken.
Obviously not 'chicken' nuggets, then.

Easter and Creme eggs are made out of chocolate and confectionery.
Well, 'Easter' relates to the time of use, and
I presume they spell it 'creme' because there is no cream, although crème is French for cream.

There is even a definition "a substance or product with a thick, creamy consistency" but that, presumably could be paint and is just how it is used and not really what it is.

There is even a cheese egg now!
Not an egg then, is it?
Is it made of cheese?

Not sure what you wanted but that's just me. I don't usually get upset about the misuse of words. :whistle:
I could call my van Lamborghini Murcielago, but it wouldn't be a Lamborghini Murcielago.
No, I'm not bothered about the words either. But the dairy industry is.
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Quorn make something called Chicken Nuggets, when the ingredients have never even looked at a chicken.
no they dont.

Obviously not 'chicken' nuggets, then.

Since you can't call it Cheshire cheese unless made in Cheshire but you can call is cheddar cheese even if made in New Zealand it is not easy to work out what is allowed, but vegan cheeses are clearly not possible if cheese is defined as a food made from the pressed curds of milk, unless we can define milk other than an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young. It seems milk can mean exploit or defraud by taking small amounts of money over a period of time. However can't see how a food can be made from money.

So hard cheese is used to express sympathy over a petty matter. so all I can say is hard cheese!
I went to the Café de Paris once. I was well disappointed - it was in London!
'Vegan vegetable-based fatty block'. Yum yum, doesn't really sell it does it?! I don't know why the diary industry care, butchers don't care do they? Seems to be a lot of complaining about something these days, just for the hell of it.

I suppose it's a description of not just what it is, but as to what it tastes like in a sense. We all know what cheese, bacon, ham, sausages, burgers, nuggets taste like, so using it with 'vegetarian/vegan' tells the shopper what it's going to resemble, not necessarily what it's made from.

Not sure what you wanted but that's just me. I don't usually get upset about the misuse of words. :whistle:
I do like a person who can take the pi ss out of himself :)
:) I have thought of a good explanation for the meaning of race, but I'm afraid it might upset some people so I'd better keep it to myself. It is good though.
Did you know that Vegan food is full of chemicals?
I would have thought all food is full of chemicals! Be it natural or made in a lab hardly matters. My wife tells me that's got loads of carbs in it, I reply of course no carbs as you call them then it's not food.

She also counts the calories, however liquid paraffin has loads of calories yet it does not tend to make one fat!

Look at a typical Chinese man with a meal of chicken and rice and they are slim, but American man who eats beef are typically large, just after my son was born we had the BSE scare, so he was not given beef in the early years and he is now 6 inches shorter than me, my wife is as tall as him. When we were young we were feed beef.

As to if the beef that made us large, or hormones injected into the beef I don't know, so which is the best, eat meat where you have no idea what the farmer may have used to get it to grow quick, or meat substitute when we have no idea what it is made from, to me it's the same, unless you know Jones the butcher who sells you meat from local source you really have no idea what is in it.

And if you buy dried milk and also some dried milk substitute and try adding water or even putting in coffee, then the substitute every time as real dried milk does not like mixing with water again. Unless you don't want it to, I remember working in a dried milk factory, came out like a flour grader and you could see where I had walked to lodgings by following white foot prints.
Look at a typical Chinese man with a meal of chicken and rice and they are slim, but American man who eats beef are typically large, just after my son was born we had the BSE scare, so he was not given beef in the early years and he is now 6 inches shorter than me, my wife is as tall as him. When we were young we were feed beef.

As to if the beef that made us large, or hormones injected into the beef I don't know, so which is the best, eat meat where you have no idea what the farmer may have used to get it to grow quick, or meat substitute when we have no idea what it is made from, to me it's the same, unless you know Jones the butcher who sells you meat from local source you really have no idea what is in it.
I think (apart from genes) that diet is a huge factor on height. Americans do eat a lot of protein, lots of meat, as well as diary etc. And going from my trip to NY some years ago, they have huge portions too! All these make people grow tall. Rice, while it gives energy, is low in nutrients. In China, there's a difference between the North and South, the North eat more diary and wheat and the South eat more rice. In the North, they are slightly taller on a whole.

The height of people fluctuated throughout history, such as during the wars I & II, where food was more scarce, the height of German children declined, and recovered again during the post war years. Malnourishment, chronic malnourishment in childhood will affect not only build, but brains too.
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