Vive La France!

I can still show those young whipper snappers how to get down a mountain. Until I break my arm that is. :mrgreen:
I'm one of the oldest on the trips apart from one other chap.
The others must be slow ffs lol
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pro life means forcing women to give birth to a child when they are in an insecure position financially and unstable relationship and probably lacking wider support network
So your solution to the above is to kill the kid before it's born.
You are disturbed.
Every human being has the right to life.
Your lack of respect is disgusting.
before it's born.
Harming children after they are born is disturbing. Having an abortion within the legal time limit is not. The fact that you idiots put a greater value on some eggs in an IVF clinic than vulnerable children being beaten, tortured, staved and sexually abused, really disgusts me.

Fooking dumb RWR.
So your solution to the above is to kill the kid before it's born.
You are disturbed.
Every human being has the right to life.
Your lack of respect is disgusting.
more disgusting false arguments.

1) it’s not a “kid”:

2) abortion rates are the same in countries where it’s illegal - so your pro life bolox just forced women into illegal abortion

3) “every human has a right to life” -women who have an abortion, do so because they are not in a stable position to bring up a child, pro life forces children and parents into a life of poverty and misery - that same woman who has an abortion may well get a stable relationship and a good job then have a child.

Come on Vinty, how much of your income are you going to give to women to help them bring up a child for 18 years because your disgusting false arguments forced them to have a child. Come on tell us how much
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Harming children after they are born is disturbing. Having an abortion within the legal time limit is not. The fact that you idiots put a greater value on some eggs in an IVF clinic than vulnerable children being beaten, tortured, staved and sexually abused, really disgusts me.

Fooking dumb RWR.
you dont think aborting a baby at a gestation period that thousands have survived at is harming it.
60% of premature babies born at 24 weeks in the UK live and you think killing them at this age is perfectly ok
you dont think aborting a baby at a gestation period that thousands have survived at is harming it.
60% of premature babies born at 24 weeks in the UK live and you think killing them at this age is perfectly ok
93% happen before 12 weeks

By the way gas112, forcing women into underground, illegal abortion clinics is not perfectly ok.

The fact is, abortion rates are not lower in countries where it’s illegal.
93% happen before 12 weeks

By the way gas112, forcing women into underground, illegal abortion clinics is not perfectly ok.

The fact is, abortion rates are not lower in countries where it’s illegal.
strawman argument he is talking till legal limit and saying it is not harming them , absolute boll~x
strawman argument he is talking till legal limit and saying it is not harming them , absolute boll~x
Do you have the right to make a decision on behalf of a woman you don't know, without any of the supporting facts?
strawman argument he is talking till legal limit and saying it is not harming them , absolute boll~x
its not a strawman argument at all

he is talking till the legal limit, ie the whole range -where 93% are below the 12week limit

why are you focusing on a tiny part of that?
Harming children after they are born is disturbing
Probably not disturbing to you because you don't know what you are talking about.
Inside or outside the womb a baby is a unique individual with its own DNA, fingerprints, ect.
Its isn't just some eggs in a dish.
Life begins at conception, if you abort a child you are ending a human life.
Do you have the right to make a decision on behalf of a woman you don't know, without any of the supporting facts?
What are the facts.?
Do you deny that aborting an unborn child is ending a human life,or like Noseall do you believe that abortion is just routine surgery to remove unwanted body tissue.
Probably not disturbing to you because you don't know what you are talking about.
Inside or outside the womb a baby is a unique individual with its own DNA, fingerprints, ect.
Its isn't just some eggs in a dish.
Life begins at conception, if you abort a child you are ending a human life.
I suppose you'd arrest all those women that miscarry then?
Abortion is the choice of the woman - end of. Not some religious fruitcake.
Are you seriously telling folk that frozen embryos are children and that if you drop the petri dish, it's murder?

FFS dumb RWR.
Is this a good time to ask a Republican/Unionist if they'd make masturbation illegal, given their perspective on the status of an embryo?
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